When they detect my accent for the first time People around here almost always ask me two questions. First – “Is that an Aussie accent I can hear?” or words to that effect (in the old days it was simply “Aussie or Kiwi?”) The second – “Why are you living here?” said with a stunned expression of utter disbelief. They’re referring to that major always hot topic of THE WEATHER! Pardon the unintentional pun. The general opinion being that Australia is always sunny & hot where as England is always wet & cold so why on earth would anyone want to leave Australia for a life in England?
Well for starters that’s a bit of a misconception, I mean it isn’t always hot in Oz is it? Sometimes it’s stinking hot! No I’m joking what I meant to say is it depends on where you live, for example Melbourne is renowned for having four seasons in one day, remember Crowded House even wrote a song about it! And quite seriously NOBODY could survive living in central Australia because it can get up to 50 degrees Celsius in summer so that’s just silly nuclear hot.
When I worked on Home & Away we used to have a saying “It never rains in Summer Bay” which was always hilarious when shooting on the beach in mid winter freezing our butts off. The poor cast dressed in cozzies or if they were lucky shorts & a T-shirt! Brrrr there’s a bit of Aussie sarcasm for ya mate.
However that is what a lot of people think isn’t it? And why wouldn’t they, it’s what Aussies promote I mean Queenslands tourism catch phrase is “Beautiful one day, perfect the next” Let me tell you it actually floods big time in Queensland, I’m talking houses floating away kinda flooding. So there you have it, not such perfect weather after all. Therefore it may surprise you to learn that in fact the weather is a major reason why I chose to live in the UK?
The seasons to be precise…all defined, all unique, we have them all here. Long enough to tire of so I am excited about the next one but short enough to enjoy & get the most pleasure from. The obvious changes in nature are particularly stunning, like beautiful blossom trees suddenly exploding with colour in spring & then the petals all flutter to the ground at once creating a perfect pink carpet. Swathes of daffodils in all the parks & baskets of blooms hanging from every house, colour everywhere. When winter begins & everything is covered in a sparkling frost on our morning walk to school, the trees are bare & rugged looking. We snuggle in front of our fire every weekend & hope for snow. Like a miracle granted if it comes giving everything a magical Narnia quality, the children build snowmen in the garden & we go to our local park sledging. By summer everyone is looking forward to getting some sun & spending more time outside, the days are long & we barbecue everything!
Now we’re in Autumn, one of the best in my opinion. The rusty browns & copper hues of the trees are breathtaking even the natural light has a golden quality to it. The days are still warm enough that I can wear bare legs but cool enough to finally pull out my cute little ankle boots I’ve begun to miss. You see that’s the other thing I love about having defined seasons…wardrobe change!
And so it begins.
This weeks outfit is a take on my favourite theme Double Denim
A one time pariah of the fashion world Double Denim has made a glorious comeback in recent years, pairing everything denim together in all manner of looks. Take a peek at the ravishing Claudia of Glam up your lifestyle for a similar version. I’m keeping it streamlined here with an old H&M cowboy style fitted shirt & River Island front slit pencil skirt. The skirt has tonnes of stretch so I can wear it on my waist & still walk comfortably which I think gives a better silhouette. You know I do love a pencil skirt but I also have several denim skirts of various cuts including a cute button through See By Chloe. Originally below the knee I hemmed it last year to above the knee for some fresh lovin’ check it out here.
When I get tired of a garment I alter it for a new lease of life especially if it’s well made & good quality material. Come winter I’ll be wearing this one with a chunky knit, knee-high boots & woollen tights.
Going with Autumnal colours of toffee, tan & rust red I teamed my Manolo Blahnik pumps with my Louis Vuitton bag. The plaited skinny leather belt I bought at a flea market for 30p. Yes that is 30 pence of awesome bargainess people!
I added my new Prada sunnies that comprise all of these colours, tie in with the bag perfectly & frankly are wicked!
How do you wear your Double Denim? Not a fan? Tell me why….

Do you have a favourite wardrobe season? Is that even a thing?
Thanks for popping by & as always please do let me know how I’m getting on here, I appreciate the feedback.
Comments ( 5 )
Gosh, you are so beautiul I’m breathless! *_* I would trade my liver for a life in England, I love England! I love the accent, the cute houses, the gloomy weather, the pubs! Maybe I’ve seen too much movies and documentaries situated in England, but I don’t care 😀
The double denim is something I think I would never pull off! I dislike most of the double denim outfits around the internet, but yours is so pretty, especially with the croc pumps! I might reconsider trying out this double denim thingy!
Cla von Glam up your Lifestyle
Dear Michelle,
wearing all over denim is not is, but you made everything right. You look fantastic in your denim with denim outfit and all accessories matches perfect together.
Thank you for linking my blog and sorry for my bad English.
Wish you a nice evening, Cla
Thanks Cla that means a lot coming from such a stylish woman as yourself. I appreciate you popping by & hope to see you again. Btw your English is better than my German! 😉
The Editing Mother
Stunning as always! Can’t believe you worked on Home and Away too!!!
Totally agree on the seasons, as Summer fades I feel sad to say goodbye to the sun but excited about what autumn and winter bring, style wise and lifestyle wise! And yes the fire… Mmmmm heaven xx
Great minds eh? Yes I think that fire won’t be far off x