On Monday I attended a fabulous Blogger Meet hosted by one of the UK’s biggest bloggers Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb who also happens to be a really good friend of mine & one of The Over40Collective.
More about The Over40Collective soon – We have a few very exciting collaborations coming up that I can’t wait to tell you all about.
Back to todays outfit, which is actually a skirt & shirt in case you thought it was a dress. I’m a sucker for every variation of denim on denim especially when the colour of the denim matches as it does here.
I posted another outfit in this See by Chloe skirt here, although the length was originally below the knee when I bought it more than 8 years ago.
Having worn it at midi length to death I needed a change so had it hemmed to above the knee a couple of years ago. I often alter or customise my clothes to re-new my interest in something I’m growing bored with. Also because I regularly purchase on Ebay sometimes the fit isn’t quite right so I’ll have my fabulous seamstress give me a nip & tuck where needed.
Here is double denim another way that I styled last Autumn…

For more details about this particular double denim ensemble click here.
This stunning gold star ring,
was given to me by my friend Liz of What Lizzy Loves who is also one of The Over 40 Collective. Liz curates a beautiful boutique jewellery collection online called Lizzy O. The black wrist wrap is also from her range & was included in the incredible goody bags everyone received at the Blogger Meet.
It certainly was a day of surprise gifts. As I left early to race home for the children, I was handed an intriguing parcel wrapped in pretty bronze paper. Hope, the new British fashion label who sponsored the event astonishingly gave us all an exquisite cashmere poncho! Watch out for this brand ladies, they have us older gals in mind when they design. Making their range of collectible wardrobe staples in clever cuts for all sizes, using the most phenomenal fabrics available today. And what’s more they have very high standards so it’s all ethically sourced – BRILLIANT!
That’s all from me this week I’m afraid. The loft is due for completion Friday – Just between you & me, I’m seeing Monday, she sighs
Very soon I’ll put together a detailed reveal of our completed bedroom ensuite. However before I can do that we are off to Sardinia for a week WooHoo! It’s our second visit to the Italian island but our first time using AirBnB so I’ll publish a travel post about how that works. I’ll also be writing my usual travel fashion post – How to look fabulous traveling with kids & a capsule wardrobe. Trust me, it’ll work teeheehee
See you then, Mx
Comments ( 42 )
Having seen you in this outfit at the fantastic blogger meet, I know how well it works on you. You really do double denim like no one else, and the relaxed vibe completely suits your style. You look about 25 years old wearing this (#notjealousatall) 🙂 xx
Oooh Miss Lisa you do make me blush 😉
Petite Silver Vixen
Agree with Lisa, you rocked the double denim look on Monday at the meet! And wasn’t Hope generous with their gift??? Amazing. Hope the remaining building works go ok and you have a fabulous break in Sardinia. Tall Brown Fox and I are off to Denmark soon and we’ve used airbnb too!
Yes the gift was a complete surprise! I love the way Hope thinks, they really do put their customer first. Did you see anything you liked on the rails?
Denmark will be super, you two have fun!
Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb
Michelle this was just the cutest outfit – and I mean in a grown-up, sexy way!! Only you could wear such a “sounds bad on paper” outfit and absolutely kill it! I actually thought it was a dress on the day so you had me fooled 😉
Thank you for the kind words – I’m so glad you had a great time, the feedback from everyone has been overwhelmingly positive. Looks like everyone wants another one so I gotta pull my finger out and get on with it…!!
Catherine x
Cute always works for an almost 50 year old chick – I’ll take “grown up sexy” too though 😉
As for my “kind words” you deserve every one & more Catherine. You’re a very generous blogger & friend, thanks for everything you’ve done for me.
Rozanne Swift
This is a look that grew on me as I scrolled through the photos, the shade of denim is rather lovely and the button details tie it together so nicely with that divine bag! Although I love this skirt length for denim, I don’t wear it as I have a large scar on my left shin :/. Do you think it would work with knee-high boots or would a pencil shape look better….? I am hesitant!
Well it’s interesting you say that Rozanne because I have posted this skirt with knee high boots. This look is easier to wear with knee high boots that’s for sure – have a look at this post.
Having said that, have you tried wearing tights? Obviously not for Summer but Autumn/Winter it’s a really funky look.
Let me know what you think xxx
Rozanne Swift
Many thanks for the suggestions Michelle! Yes I do occasionally wear tights in winter but have never tried them with denim…Will give it a go. Your post with the boots and the same mini skirt is a terrific look, you’ve a real flair for combining punked-up and a hint of girly to create a grown-up-sexy look. Enjoy Sardinia xx
I agree with everyone above, totally rocked it. It was lovely meeting you at the fantastic event, looking forward even more to the next one xx
Yes it was great meeting you too! Sorry I had to rush off early, bloody kids eh? Always get in the way of a good time hahahaha 😉
Saw this ring on Instagram – it’s so cute! I love this look, denim is the ultimate laid back look but you’ve styled it so it’s really pulled together #brilliantblogposts
Thanks for saying that, yes the star ring is so pretty isn’t it? I think it makes the perfect “friendship” ring too. Liz gave one to all 7 of us in The Over 40 Collective which makes it feel even more special. You could do the same for your girl gang 😉
I love the take on the denim on denim look!! So chic!
Abby | Life in the Fash Lane
Thank you Abby, lovely to see you back! x
Shelbee on the Edge
So simple yet so brilliant! I don’t know why I never thought of it! Wish I had! But now I will just have to copy and give credit to you when I do. Absolutely fabulous way to wear double denim! Thanks for the inspiration.
Thanks Shelbee, glad you like it 😉
Credit not necessary xxx
Dawn Lucy – Fashion Should Be Fun
Totally fabulous! So Charlie’s Angels … in the very best possible way! LOVE.
Thanks for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday!
Dawn Lucy
Ha! I loved Charlies Angels so there is only one way I could take this – THANK YOU Dawn Lucy Mwah!
wow, you are gorgeous
Blimey thanks Paul!
Love this! You look amazing!
Aww that’s kind Suzanne thank you x
Loving the Double D! and your meetup looked fabulous (I saw some pics on Greetje’s site). Thanks for sharing, xo
It was fabulous Patti & it was so brilliant to meet Greetje in the flesh! She’s just as lovely IRL. Actually I’m hoping to take a short trip to NYC next year so maybe I’ll get to meet you too? xM
This is my first time stopping by from the Visible Monday linkup and I’m glad I did! I love that first dress especially!
Hi Nina, welcome to RCM! Thanks for popping by & leaving a comment, I’m so pleased you like the outfit.
Michelle – The Barefaced Chic
Looking good Michelle.
Having seen you in this outfit ‘in the flesh’ I can vouch for the fact that it looks just as good in real life as is does onscreen! I love the fact that you renew and refresh your clothes – it’s something I do from time-to-time. But my results aren’t nearly as eye-catching as this 🙂
Michelle xxx
You alter clothes too Michelle? It’s such a good way to get more wear out of them isn’t it? Occasionally I get my sewing machine out to run something in or make something basic. Although to be honest I’m pretty average as a seamstress so it usually goes to Sadie, who can literally do anything! I’d be lost without her. xxx
Emma Peach
I thought it was a dress too! One thing’s for sure – you look amazing! Those shoes are just perfect with the denim. Love the star ring too 🙂
Emma xxx
Thanks so much Emma! These Halogen flats have paid for themselves 10 times over already actually. I wear them with every single outfit combination you can imagine, they’re just so adaptable. Nordstroms are still selling them over a year on so they must be super popular.
WELL YOU FOOLED ME! I definitely thought it was a shirt-dress. The two shades of denim are a perfect match and the outfit looks great. I actually just ordered a shirt-dress in that shade that looks identical to your outfit. Love those darling flats, too.
I would love for you to linkup with me today and every Thursday for my “Thursday Moda” linkup. A brand-new one is currently live, below. Thanks.
Hi Ada,
Sorry I’m only just getting back to you, I’m up to my eyeballs in building dust! Next Thursday we’ll be on holiday in Sardinia so I won’t be able to link up then either. I promise to pop over to your blog after I get back. Thank you so much for popping by xxx
While I thought the reason for missing out on new RCM posts was you taking a two weeks vacation in the Bahamas, I’m afraid that it’s down to you tweaking with the subscription list (unless you really kicked me out this time) again:) Anyhow, when I saw the pictures I thought that I mixed blogs and that this one is run by a young underaged hottie:) Well done (plus hot legs, as usual)! xx Abby
Abbbyyyyyyy! No way!!! I can’t believe this has happened again, I haven’t touched the list at all. I have no idea why you’re not getting my posts but I will do some investigating that’s for sure. It’s so strange isn’t it?
I’m really grateful you’ve stuck around, bloody annoying for you I imagine – Thanks for the lovely comment *blushes*
You look amazing, I thought it was a shirt dress too, I love the buttons up the skirt and also in the other outfit how the belt splits up the colours..looks at her jeans worn jumper combo and vows to make more effort..Its an easy outfit choice which I like because I could (attempt) to achieve it, you wear it so well! #brilliantblogposts
Hi there! Thanks for popping by, yes the beauty of this outfit is the simplicity of it yet it always attracts compliments so I know it’s a safe bet. Having easy, go to outfits in my wardrobe is absolutely essential with 3 small kids. There’s no time for mucking about in the mornings 😉 Heeheehee
Alberto you are very kind, thank you so much for your comments. I appreciate you taking the time x
Silly Mummy
Looks great & I DID think it was a dress for a minute. I love the skirt & the altered length – just above knee is my favourite length. #brilliantblogposts
It is a good length on me too, I have quite a few skirts just above the knee. The brilliant thing about denim is how versatile it is & this particular style of skirt will stand the test of time too! So glad you popped in, I do hope you come back again xxx