Come Summer I wear shorts a lot, not only as casual attire (see here) but also for smart. To give the shorts outfit a more formal, tailored appearance I prefer my sleeves to be long as it feels right, on this occasion with bare legs, to cover my arms. Wearing a long sleeved top will definitely raise the modesty factor, if you know what I mean? Additionally it’s the perfect answer to less than perfectly toned arms right? wink
Wearing a high heeled sandal automatically elongates the leg without trying plus I prefer my shorts on the loose side of fitted as opposed to tight – More Chic than sexy.
Dressing up shorts is easy when the quality & finish of the garment is so incredible
Now I realise some of you may feel too exposed to try this look & I understand it’s not right for everyone. However trust me when I say it’s more about confidence than figure. If you’re OK about getting your legs out you should give this outfit a chance. The long sleeves & loose fit of the silk top disguise all manner of sins (or lunch) because the cut is entirely flattering. The same can be said for the shorts themselves which I hope you can see in close detail from my photos.
Both the shirt & shorts are from Winser London who have kindly gifted them to me for this post.
I am absolutely blown away by this relatively young British company & its attention to detail. Not only in the design of their clothing but also in the clever fabrics they choose. You can read more about them here.
Detail is the simplest way to win me over & it’s clear Winser know their customer. She is the discerning woman over 40, equally concerned about quality as price yet prepared to pay a little more for the former.
White Sandals
I’ve paired my Whistles white leather two-part sandals & cream leather Jigsaw clutch to complete this look. The shoes I also wore here & the bag here. Before you say “Yikes white & cream together?” let me say…Yep
Heehee No seriously it’s fine because the shorts are off white & the shirt is a creamy beige colour so this unusual marriage actually works well in this case. No awkward matchy matchy here, purely a gentle blending of cream, beige & white. With this in mind I felt the look should remain clean & uncomplicated therefore the only embellishment is from my Isabel Marant cocktail ring. A showstopper in its own right – You’ve seen this delicious beauty many times on RCM. Statement jewellery in a league of its own typical of Isabel Marant, although a tad pricey infinitely wearable!
Finally one last word about the pins – If you are white skinned & very pale like me every vein & dimple will be amplified. Which is why beforehand I’ll always exfoliate my legs & apply a light tanning mousse, only a shade darker though so it’s natural. Doing this gives me that extra boost of confidence to step out in short shorts without a second thought thought Kapow!.
Still not keen on dressing up shorts? Not a problem, you’re about to feast your eyes on more from Winsers Spring range worn by some other real women over 40. I’ve no doubt you’ll relate to at least one of the exquisite outfits I feature following mine below.

On toes OPI Suzis Hungary Again. Dontcha just lurv the OPI names? Heeheehee

My Make-Up is exactly the same as usual
However with two small changes that deliver a pretty big impact.
- Brown eyeliner top & botton
- Darker, heavier eyebrows
Up first is the bronze or brown coloured crayon eyeliner. Simply drawn across my top & bottom lashes gives them the appearance of being longer & thicker. Using black won’t do the same thing as it is more obviously a genuine eyeliner look. What I’m achieving by using brown is subtle & remains natural yet with added ZING
The second trick is down to a fabulous brow kit I recently purchased called “Beautiful Brows”
That’s easy to remember right? This kit has bloody transformed my life! OK slight exaggeration wink
If I told you it takes a mere 20 seconds to apply perfectly shaped natural looking brows. It’s sweat proof, smudge proof & even sleep proof – Would you be curious to know more? Perhaps a full tutorial post is best – TO BE CONTINUED….

Last week I mentioned The Over40Collective, well today I’d like to introduce you to them by sharing our first collaborative post.
You may remember a few of us “older” fashion bloggers got together at Blognix & became firm friends. However what transpired over the following weeks was a completely organic genesis of our newly formed girl squad.
The over 40 collective was born
We are 7 fashion loving women who happen to be over 40. It occurred to us we had power as a bunch of mature babes. Apart from the wealth of genuine life experience it was our varying differences in style that stood out. You see although we wear many of the same brands we look completely different in them. Therefore we’re in the perfect position to showcase an entire range from 7 unique perspectives. The aim is to present our wonderful readers the personification of a real woman catalogue from labels we all love.
We’re thrilled to launch our first brand promotion from the exceptional Winser London. Presenting my breathtaking beauties wearing their chosen Winser pieces. Clicking on their photo’s will take you to each full blog post of their outfits. I Hope you enjoy this as much as we’ve enjoyed putting it together…
I can’t wait to hear what you all think of our idea – Are there any specific Brands you’d like us to style in our 7 unique ways?
Have a terrific week, Ciao from Sardinia!
Comments ( 32 )
Everytime I see your legs 😍 Which tanning mousse do you use? I’m pale too and burn so factor 50 all the way, struggling to find something that I can apply without look streaky and orange. I don’t really have time to be careful and I’m not patient which doesn’t help with the application process! And I love winser. Mid 30’s mum of three and they fit well and are the prefect amount of modesty and fun! It’s funny your blog about am I told old for all saints, i used to think am I too young for winser (don’t hate me) and some other brands marketed at different age groups! But absolutely not! Yes of course wherever you shop there will be peices you stay away from I’m mid 30’s not 20 but so many brands now cater for such a large age range or maybe I’m just growing up! I can shop with my 65yr old mum and we can find something in the same store we both like and rock!
Hi from Sardinia Hanna, Firstly yes I bet you would look amazing in shorts! The tanner I’ve always used is Ambré Solaire foaming mousse which has never been streaky on me & let me tell you I also have no patience or time to be careful. However the bad news is they don’t make that one any more. Typical isn’t it? The good news is I brought the new ambré Solaire spray mist away with me to try out & I have to report it is even easier to use!
Boots have this offer or you can pick it up from Sainsburys on your next shop. I stood in the shower, put one leg on the side of the bath & sprayed once all over from about 30cm away. It’s very light so perfect for just taking that fluro white away, if you know what I mean? You can spray it every day if you’d like it darker as it’ll build up the colour although I think not 😉
I completely agree with you about wearing Winser at any age or indeed AllSaints. I only mention my age to highlight the issue, in actual fact I don’t consider my age when I’m shopping – nobody should!
We buy & wear what we like full stop
Great comment btw xxx
Michelle – The Barefaced Chic
Perfect look, perfectly styled – as usual 🙂
I love the way you’ve paired the tones of beige and cream into a delicious statement. And those legs – WOW!!
Michelle xx
Thank you gorgeous girl xxx
Elizabeth Yeowart
Wow Michelle!!!!!! You look amazing. Chic, sassy and very very elegant. Your Winser outfit is beautiful. Such great tips too about make-up and styling. Thank you for being a wonderful friend and have an lovely lovely holiday. Lots of love, Liz xxxxxx
Thanks Liz, ditto 😉
Perfect new post in all details
in photography, editing and layout
nice day
Classy look! I wish I could still wear shorts!
Hi Nancy, Why can’t you wear shorts any more?
Oh wow… breathtaking, Michelle!! Don’t even try to tell me your arms look any less toned than your incredible legs!
I love white and cream, nude, beige and camel combinations, it looks so stylish.
Since I am not skilled at all when it comes to make-up I’d more than welcome any tutorials!
Annette | Lady of Style
I’m so surprised to hear that you’re not skilled at make up Annette! Yours always looks lovely & your skin is beautiful. Thank you for such a flattering comment my friend xxx
And of course you should stick to wearing shorts, Michelle! You look absolutely stunning in those (plus, those hot legs shouldn’t be covered!). Loved your Over 40 Collective pictures too! xx Abby
Hey Abby, phew you got this one 😉
Thank you for saying that – I imagine you’d look pretty hot in shorts yourself my sweet xxx
Lisa Maynard Morin
Gorgeous XO! Love how you styled your outfit. Would love for you to stop by and #LINKUPWITHLISA @
Hi Lisa, how are you? Thanks for popping by & leaving a comment I’m away at the moment so a bit pushed for time but I will check out your link up next time round xx
You are a knock-out in this look.
Samantha you smooth talker, thank you gorgeous. xxx
Absolutely stunning look! And something I would totally wear myself. I am in love with your shoes. I love the shorts and the blouse is so pretty and feminine. And I adore the combination of the beige, white, and cream. So pure!
Evie Jaye
Hi Michelle.
You look amazing. Hope the guys at All Saints take a look at these pictures, they’re proof that we should be dressing for ourselves and our bodies, not pre conceived ideas about age.
I’m quite happy to get my legs out if they’re clad in opaque tights but I think I might give that look a try. You might be a hard act to follow mind you. EJ
Hi EJ, Please do give it a try it would make my day! xxx
That’s it. I think you should wear silk shirts and shorts every single day for the rest of your life. You look AH.MAZING. In a million years, I wouldn’t have put together a silk office shirt and a pair of shorts, but dear god it looks perfect. Brava, Michelle. xx
Really you wouldn’t? As soon as I saw these shorts on the Winser site I knew a long sleeved shirt was in order. The tailored cut really demands it.
Big kiss babe X
Oh Michelle – you look so good in those shorts, I would never have thought of adding a silk blouse, so chic. I’m so proud to be part of such a fab gang of glorious women xx
I know Nikki I feel the same way xxx
No Fear of Fashion
Honestly Michelle, I was gobsmacked when I saw you in this outfit. Outstanding, sexy, elegant. An A-plus.
And as far as I am concerned you cán combine white with cream (I know you say this isn’t cream and you are right, just saying you can combine them).
Hi lovely Greetje, I’m happy you’re gob was smacked in this instance teeheehee
Thanks for your comment it means a lot x
Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb
Good lord, woman… You look INCREDIBLE!!!!! Shorts were made for you MT, no wonder we all call you Legs! Aside from the legs thing, the pieces you chose are beautiful – the colours in that top are so delicious and creamy and the quality looks amazing (as with all the pieces we all chose).
Can’t tell you how proud I am to be part of this collective – aside from the fact that it’s a great idea for the blogging community to come up with something like this and for the potential we have to bring brands, bloggers and readers together, I just value your (plural) friendship so much. I’ve never had so much fun in any job ever, and that’s all down to you lovely lot!!! Can’t wait to see what the future brings :))
Catherine x
Anna Parkes
Hi Michelle, the Collective has been my path to finding you and I do love these shorts and how you’ve styled them. My shorts days are over, unless I wear them in the winter with thick tights, but on you these are adorable. The silk shirt really gives this look a touch of class, and pairing with the lovely sandals is fab too. All in all, Winser have lucked out with all of you gorgeous gals getting behind them. Good luck with the new venture, you all look amazing!
Thank you so much for your lovely thoughtful comment Anna. I think the shorts with tights look is fabulous in Winter actually!
Yes Winser are lucky to have us but we are also honoured that they believed in us enough to give us this oppoutunity. Many brands don’t have the same faith in us older gals unfortunately. However with this wonderful start Winser has given The Over 40 Collective we can begin to turn their heads & change the way they perceive us. And by “us” I mean all women over 40.
The Wardrobe Stylist
The basic neutrals are so nice together and I love how the shorts fall on you. Would love if you can link up to
Thanks so much Rania. I’ll try to get over to The Wardrobe Stylist later today xM
Nice blog