Last week issue 9 of the brilliant Blogosphere Magazine went onto shelves up & down the UK High Street. This is especially exciting for me as it contains my first ever article published in print.
It just now occurred to me that this is probably even more special than I initially realised because of my age. Although I’ve long held the desire to write close to my heart & have always kept a personal diary, I never imagined in a million years my opportunity to publish would arise the year before I turn 50!
Thank you Alice Audley x
Don’t get me wrong I’d never allow my age to stand in the way of any ambition I have however I’m not naive enough to think others might. Perhaps this is testament to how society is changing, has to change its attitude toward women forging second time around careers? I mean with us girls living longer & more importantly healthier we have the opportunity to find new purpose in the form of a new career. Of course there is also the simple fact of financial necessity, the days of being a “pensioner” by 55-60 are over for my generation. It doesn’t matter, I have no plans to retire & start playing Bingo at the local church hall anyway. As far as I’m concerned if I don’t use it I’ll lose it, so my career plans are long-term & although this is just a tiny first step, it gives me reason to believe I can do it. I still have time…
Does anyone else feel this way?
Back to Blogosphere Magazine which really is a fabulous read even for non-bloggers.
Jam packed with terrific articles, not just mine (cheeky) it looks & feels amazing. Boasting beautiful images on heavy grade paper, a rarity in the magazine world making this tome a keeper. A coffee table mag if you will.
Furthermore if you happen to be a blogger it makes sense to subscribe to Blogosphere. Why not start collecting them for the serious reference material included in every issue?
For those of you who kindly asked to read my little article, I’ve copied some of it below. However if you’d like to purchase the magazine itself but are unable to get to a shop, or don’t happen to live in the UK, I’ve added a direct link below for you to buy it now on RCM.
Here’s an excerpt of what I wrote…
Like many women in their twenties I was part of a group of girls who ran together in what is now known as a “girl squad”. We went shopping, did general girly stuff & partied. Partied a lot. Although to be honest what we mostly did was commiserate over our boyfriends or lack there of.
As the decades flew by, we forged our careers, birthed our babies & drifted apart. Now rarely having time to see each other, certainly not all at once, the gang is no more. Of course I’ve met & befriended more wonderful women along the way, mostly through my children but not as a group like a squad.
That is until I started Blogging…
Now here I am at the ripe old age of 48 running with a pack of the most outstanding over 40 Fashion Bloggers!
When I began my blog as a business a year ago I had only the knowledge of what I could find Googling online. It soon became obvious that the over 40’s were a small & under represented bunch so I was keen to get to know them & pick their brains, so to speak. Everything I’d read about bloggers always highly rated the sense of community & support however to say I was a tad skeptical is an understatement. Ha I couldn’t have been more wrong!
The reason for this is of course our age.
You don’t get to 40 without life teaching you a thing or two, collectively this lot of women could fill a book – make that a series of books!
Of course you know who I’m talking about
The seven smart women in my sensational squad of bloggers all have incredible fashion blogs. Showcasing their individual styles & unique perspectives on life in general. I urge you to take a look at every single one & dare you not to fall for them as I have.
Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb the flame haired beauty with an eye for colour & prints who writes incredible tutorial posts on Blogging & photography.
Annette of The Lady Of Style is from breathtaking Bavaria, she writes every blog post in both German & English. This clever petite fashionista keeps it classy & on trend.
Lisa of The Sequinist with her beautiful blonde mane. She’s attracted to all things shiny, demonstrating how to elegantly sparkle style while writing with a touch of wit.
Nikki of Midlife Chic is all sophisticated charm & classic styles. She shares intimate life musings on juggling family with work in such a way we can all relate to.
Michelle of Barefaced Chic is the joker of the bunch but with a common sense approach to life & penchant for millinery. She has skin many much younger would kill for & a slight addiction to buying make up.
Liz of What Lizzy Loves the tall blonde beauty is a show stopper in a dress who also manages to curate a gorgeous jewellery line & raise two teens single-handedly.
Finally there’s me, Michelle of RetroChicMama I once was a Hair & Make Up Artist working in London & Sydney but I gave it all up at 38 to have three kids. Now I blog about my outfits, my love for bags & shoes & life as a stay at home Mum.

Since I wrote this article my Girl Squad has become The Over40Collective & has published our first Brand collaboration post. We have big plans afoot, of course you never know how things will pan out yet somehow I feel we’re all headed in the same direction – It’s pretty bloody exciting actually!
Right I’m off to shoot a fashion post between downpours. See ya,
Comments ( 26 )
The F Word Paradox (@word_paradox)
Congratulations! Well said and well done….
Many thank yous xxx
I’m SO PROUD of you for being published! The article is great, and just goes to show that you have a zillion other tricks up your sleeve, besides hair and makeup wizardry. Maybe one day it’ll be US on the cover, holding a chicken. 😀 xx
Cluck cluck x
This is so awesome! Well done you! You are a big success already and destined for more greatness! Mwah xx
Thank you my friend, that’s very kind. I know it’s small but it’s all heading in the right direction which is encouraging. Thank you for your constant support right from day one – It means a lot Amy xxx
Wow! Congretulations! You must be thrilled! What a compliment!
Thank you Nancy I am xxx
Evie Jaye
Well done you. You deserve to be really proud and a big Thank You for being a voice for all of us over 40s, forging ahead with this next chapter in our lives. EJ
Aww thank you so much EJ xxx
Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb
Congratulations and THANK YOU MT!!! You wrote a superb article, I was so proud of you for writing it and getting it published and of course for the collective for being the subject matter. I was also so glad that I managed to see you and Lisa just for a little bit at the launch party, we had such a great natter afterwards too.
I’ve shown all my family too, they were super impressed!! Thank you again my lovely =kisses=
Catherine x
You’re welcome Catherine, I couldn’t have done it without you all behind me xxx
Congratulations! Love following your blog. Xx
Thanks! That’s so lovely to hear & thank you for following xxx
OMG! That’s HUGE!!!! I’m so happy for you Michelle! You SO deserve this. Congratulations! xx Abby
That’s very kind Abby, I know it’s only a small first step, but you’re right for me it’s HUGE! Now I can picture the next step which is very exciting indeed. Particularly as I wasn’t even sure I could make this blogging biz work a year ago.
Michelle, I cannot tell you how proud I am of you. You are a bloody inspiration girl! Thank you so much for writing such a brilliant article, and thank you so much for your friendship.
Michelle xxx
You really think so? That means a lot coming from you Michelle, your writing inspires me!
Suzy Turner
Congratulations! I used to work as a magazine editor and even then I loved it whenever one of my articles was published and I was always excited for anyone new that started to write for us. It was always a big deal. Well done you!!
Suzy xx
Thanks Suzy, you are ever so generous Mrs proper writer 😉 It’s a wonderful thing this writing lark isn’t it? Thank you for your support xxx
That is HUGE and the beginning of great (and exciting) things.
Thanks Samantha, yes HUGE for me indeed. Now I’m champing at the bit to do another one hahaha, it’s addictive!
Lady of Style
Michelle, I can’t thank you enough for this brilliant article and I am thrilled and happy to be part of it.
From when we first met last year it has been an amazing journey already and I can’t wait to have our joint website online. But the most important is our friendship! Thank you! xxxx
Annette | Lady of Style
I feel like that first time we met for drinks in London was really the inception of all of this Annette. I was blown away by you & your blogging knowledge & I knew I had to get to know you better. As I said yesterday when you hit 10k on Instagram, you are an inspiration woman!
I believe all 7 of us will achieve great things as a group in the blogosphere XXX
Well done, great job. Congratulations
OMG Boris I feel terrible that I missed your comment & didn’t reply! I’m so sorry & thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a lovely comment x