Now that I have a bit of length in my hair again I’m occasionally wearing it messy. This look will only last a day on my fine hair after which it just looks limp sigh. For this reason I tend to only use a smidgen of product on the very tips of my hair to smooth it & avoid the flyaway look. Additionally its a good idea to shun the brush entirely as this will only flatten the effect your trying to achieve or worse, frizz it yikes!
If your hair is already naturally kinky or even quite wavy the technique I’m about to describe is positively perfect for you! Although if it’s very curly you absolutely must blow dry it straight first. Yep that is correct – I know it sounds counter productive however the reason is key to achieving a gentle, smooth kink. By blow drying it with a large barrel brush you’re effectively laying flat the hair cuticle & creating the perfect base. Remember this is only for those of you with a proper natural curl. Everyone else gets away with it wink soz.
For this little trick you will need 1 crocodile clip & a light oil or wax of your liking. I have 2 that I use randomly & can highly recommend a) Bed Head Blow Out b) Bed Head wax stick – Both excellent products to be used sparingly, that’s a minute amount people or you will be washing your hair again OK?
Here’s how to get easy kinky hair in 3 steps
Roughly blow dry your freshly shampooed hair & whilst it is still warm begin.
- Separate the back of your hair into two low pony tails.
- Simultaneously twist them upwards to their ends.
- Using your crocodile clip secure them together at the top.
Go do other stuff….
Tick tick tick – The longer you leave this in, the firmer your kink will be so you’ll need to experiment as everyone’s hair takes a curl differently. For me about 10 minutes gets a good result in the meantime I apply my make-up & get dressed. Unpack the dishwasher, put a load of laundry on, vacuum Yadda Yadda Yadda – You know the drill, can’t even be on the phone without dusting a window sill or washing up a cup. Multi task right? Teeheeheehe.
Times up! – Now remove the clip & using only your fingers, comb through to loosen & separate your hair. This is when you apply a teeny tiny amount of product. Rub it onto your palms then pull through just the very tips of your hair to create a messy appearance. Avoid the roots & scalp altogether as this will merely weigh down what is essentially a tousled hairstyle.
O.K. That’s it easy peasy lemon squeezie!
Today’s outfit is an homage to chic über comfort.
Over the years I’ve worn my Comptoir des Cotonniers jeans to death & then some. See here & here for other outfits in them. When I pulled the jeans on this day I felt for the first time distinctly rather over them. Although instead of giving the jeans away I reached for my scissors & gave them a makeover. They’re now a good 10 centimetres shorter affording a different shape therefore lending to alternative outfit styles.
These Dune block heel shoes translate much better when they are completely seen so the jeans work well shortened. Covered by the hem of long trousers does this style of shoe no favours at all. See another way I styled them here.
You may recognise my shirt from Winser London? The Over 40 Collective published our first Brand collaboration with Winser which you can see here if you missed it. I thought it was about time to show another way to wear this lush silk top particularly as they’re having a sensational sale right now. If the prices were a little high for you the last time you looked, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how discounted they are at the moment. When a high quality label is out of my budget I always wait to shop at sale time. Often these labels plummet to 70% & although the price can still be high remember it per wear. These items are forever pieces & you won’t have any need to re-stock your wardrobe every season if you buy carefully. That may sound like risky business trying for specific items only during a sale? My philosophy is simple – I’m not desperate & there will always be another sale.
For more tips on a hard working wardrobe read this post.
The Cath Kidston Hydrangea Bowling Bag
Was actually bought in the current Cath Kidston sale for a shocking £32! I know, would be rude not to right? I love the antiqued turnlock & the muted floral tones but most of all it’s the hydrangea print itself that got me. My Nan had glorious hydrangea in her front garden so for me this particular flower will always invoke warm memories of her.
Additionally it’s a practical bag of Tardis-like volume with a nod to my coveted Valentino saved here for future reference wink – irresistible! Of course you remember my stunning Star Ring from Lizzy O I also wore here?

Diabolical Builders update no. 2
I emailed the building company the template letter recommended by Citizens Advice Bureau. Stating our issues & asking for compensation of 5% to help towards fixing the problems left by them – Mainly the hot water pipe being outside.
Today I received what can only be described as a gobsmacking reply. That is I felt directly smacked in the gob!
According to said builder until he got my email he was completely unaware of our dissatisfaction. He went on to say that it puzzled him entirely as it was all untrue. He said the pipe is absolutely fine as it is & he never once heard me complain about anything. Oh I see, that is otherwise known as selective hearing.
As a gesture of goodwill he was prepared to waive his final fee of guess how much????
Go on guess. Bahahahaha!
He attached an itemized invoice to the precise amount we had asked for from him! Now to give you a crystal clear picture of this dude & his dodgy ways let me tell you some of these items were so funny Mark actually burst out laughing.
One was Mastic – You know the sealant you put around wet areas to prevent water leaking? Well to be fair to him they did put a lot of that stuff in our en-suite. Hmmm would that be due to the good chance of leaks perhaps?
Oh the irony. No wonder Mark laughed, it’s bloody hilarious!
He’d once described to us in great detail about a former client who was refusing to make their final payment. We now realise he had form. Clues were there for sure, in hindsight I was waaaay too trusting.
I guess it’s over for us now, we have improved most of the terrible finishes & are about to sort out the pipe & boiler issues. I think I’ll leave you with this thought.
Have a fab weekend you gorgeous lot,
Comments ( 20 )
So glad I decided to pull up your blog, it’s fabulous! I have the same fine hair and can’t wait to try this fun technique!
Oh fantastic it’s so fab to have a new reader! Let me know how you get on with kinky hair won’t you Trina?
Thanks for popping by xM
Becky Taylor Hellwig
What what… Oh man I was expecting you to surprise us by putting your hair in plastic curlers!! My hair is still growing….
Hahaha Becky I could do that for you next time 😉
I didn’t realise you were growing that cute little pixie cut out? It’s so gorgeous on you xxx
I’ve just tried the hair thing… I’ll let you know how I get on. Great little tip. I love my hair messy but I’m also seriously contemplating having it all cut off again.
Love your bag 😍
Tracey xx
Can’t wait to hear how you get on with this technique of mine Tracey. If you’re going to crop your hair now is the time to do it I believe. I like a short crop in Summer then I would gradually grow it out for Winter 😉
Love this Michelle! Your hair is gorgeous, the bag is gorgeous, and that shirt is so perfect for you. I love how completely differently you’ve styled it this time. Lovely photos of the flowers and sunshine. Do we live in the same country 😀 xx
Thanks Lisa! You know I think this park I go to nearby is really special. In fact we nicknamed it The Special Park many years ago hahaha. The flower beds are superb, I love how they make everything seem bright & sunny even on a dull day.
You mention kinky and I’m all ears 😉 BTW one of your hair products, on the right, would certainly qualify. I love your “kinky” hair Michelle! I’m terribly sorry about the builder’s nightmare though (which I cannot emphasise enough, takes away my appetite for any renovation work). xx Abby
Abby you are a naughty little minx! I know what you mean though, I was hoping someone would give me an “Oh Matron” on this 😉
Can’t say I’m surprised it was you – Love that!
Nancy Baten
I love messy hair! My hair is always messy! Lol!
Heeheehee brilliant!
Hiya, I’m going to try this on my uber straight hair!! See how I get on.. Great blog reading and I love the flower piccys! Jacqui
Jacqui I’m dying to hear how you got on! Thank you for popping by xM
Anna Parkes
I’ve got some shoes similar to these and think this length of trouser really does show them off so well. (Watch out for them on my blog soon!) I love you tip on messy hair, but have to smile as my hair seems to be messy without any help at all. Sorry to hear about your nightmare time with the builders. It seems so common this kind of thing. Good luck with getting your house straight x
Haha that’s funny Anna, yes I didn’t consider some women may be trying to avoid messy hair! Look forward to seeing your take on these shoes xM
Elizabeth Yeowart
Ooh, my hair is a similar length to yours Michelle so will be trying this out. I love love love the bag. Anything with hydran
geas is a winner for me. You look fab and thank you for wearing the star ring so beautifully xxx
Hydrangeas make such a beautiful print on anything really, don’t they Liz? I think they’re similar to Dandelion Clocks in that way – Another fave of mine 😉
It’s really very easy wearing your stunning Star ring by the way & such a pleasure xxx
My House Of Awesome (@awesomethabi)
The bag is just beautiful and I love how you included the gorgeous bloom of the the “flowers” to pick up the bags design. This makes me look forward to Spring:) You look amazing! Love the blog:)
You know what I really need this bag to not look girlie but the garden in the background is perfect! Thanks for stopping by xx