How to wear a pleated skirt for Winter


When a “new to me” look is trending I don’t like to part with a lot money until I’ve tried it out on my existing wardrobe.  Sometimes I’m just not that into it & wonder if I’ll wear the style enough to warrant the investment. Obviously I could easily find a cheap as chips version on the High Street but most of those Brands use child labour to keep their prices so low & to me no trend is worth supporting that abhorrent practice!

I turn to Ebay for the second-hand option

Todays pleated skirt is the perfect example of what I’m talking about. You’ve seen them in the fashion mags & all over Instagram, you may have even bought one? I think these skirts are lovely & definitely perfect party wear although wait, I don’t really go to parties much – Hmm what about dressed down, smart casual? I’m not sure. Over to Ebay it is then.

Initially I was searching for the ubiquitous silver foil pleats, I remember admiring the Whistles one last year. For those Ebay novices out there all I did was type in Whistles pleated skirt & check my size in the filter. I mean I don’t have time to muck about on Ebay all day, there are thousands of pleated skirts listed many of them would be from questionable factories. I like to cut to the chase, bypass the rubbish & simply type in a Brand I know. Which is how I came across this baby blue chiffon pleated skirt!

Baby blue wasn’t on my radar, yet when I saw this skirt it immediately hit me how amazing it’d look with a black jumper for Winter! Incidentally pale pink is also knockout worn this way.

How to wear a pleated skirt in Winter

How to wear a pleated skirt for Winter

Open toe shoes with tights

I’m not afraid to wear socks with my sandals when the days grow colder as you can see here & here. However for todays outfit I inexplicably decided to go with tights paired with sandals. It was completely random, make of it what you will. Although I did contemplate scrapping the whole idea of sandals to wear my black knee-high boots. Any excuse to wear boots! To me there is little better in Fashion at Winter time than BOOTS BABY!

Yet here I am in my lovely lace-up sandals from Ted & Muffy – I know, random. If you’d like to read more about Ted & Muffy’s awesome sales I wrote this post when I snapped up these for the incredible price of £35!

By the way my next footwear purchase will be caramel tan ankle boots – When the right pair comes along that is. Ahem have you noticed I often refer to fashion as if it were a lover? Sorry I digress…

How to wear a pleated skirt in Winter

How to wear a pleated skirt for Winter

How to wear a pleated skirt for Winter

How to wear a pleated skirt in Winter

How to wear a pleated skirt in Winter

How to wear a pleated skirt in Winter

Todays black jumper of choice

For my foray into pleats experiment I chose a rather high polo neck cashmere jumper with elbow length flared sleeves. As usual with cashmere this fine knit is surprisingly warm & super cosy, hence I wear it often throughout Winter – See it again here.

The sleeves, shoulder & front detail make it extra special however I believe any basic black jumper would work equally as well with the skirt. I was merely looking for a reason to wear this specific one. The point being it’s the juxtaposition of colours – Heavy, strong black against soft, light pale blue.

How to wear a pleated skirt in Winter

Make thin hair thicker for a bun using clip in hair

Make thin hair thicker for a bun using clip in hair

A messy bun using One clip-in Hair Extension

Since I’ve had the irresistable Me clip in hair extensions I’ve played around with how to utilize them efficiently. Quite frankly I don’t fancy adding extra time to the effort I make with my hair at this stage of life. Which is why I’m using the extension wefts sparingly, coming up with ways to achieve good results super-fast is more practical than creating elaborate hairstyles I’ll never actually wear. Additionally there is an important comfort factor that goes along with pretty much everything I do these days & that includes hairstyles! You know what I mean? I can’t be dealing with clips biting into my scalp or pulling on my hair by midday as they drag down over time. Furthermore, being distracted by the fear of one of them falling out in public is unacceptable to me. No, the entire hairstyle must not only be secure but pain-free too or I simply won’t bother.

Now you’d think that would limit my options, wouldn’t you? Well so far it hasn’t & to prove that, Friday I’m publishing a post of all my looks using these extensions.

How to wear a pleated skirt for Winter

Wear hair in a bun with high neck polo neck jumper

I have literally just found this phenomenal light blue pleated skirt on sale from John Lewis for anyone loving my outfit. There are still sizes UK6 through to UK12 plus they deliver worldwide! You simply click on the pic to take you through to John Lewis website, so grab a bargain as the saying goes wink.Reiss light blue maxi skirt

Chat soon,

  • Comments ( 22 )

  • avatar
    No Fear of Fashion

    I am absolutely against wearing socks in sandals. But I have to say, it does work in this outfit. It looks really nice. Now.. let’s talk business… the skirt I have (camel), boots and shoes I have, what I need is that black jumper. It is gorgeous. Brand? Still available? Probably not. Your bag is very nice too.
    All in all well done.

    • avatar

      Right – Down to business! Yes thejumper is very old it’s from a label called Aura. Don’t worry have a look at this one by Loéil which I think is divine. Please buy it Greetje, I need to see you in it!

  • avatar

    Love this look and plan on recreating my version,starting with this sweater. I have a similarly pleated black skirt but that pale blue makes the outfit,imo. (although I’m wearing booties because it is cold and snowy here)

  • avatar

    Love the idea of hair extension for a bun – not something I’ve ever done, but looks great on you! I’m also a big fan of pleated skirts, have a silver and a pink one. Just need the perfect top to go with them now… #brillblogposts

    • avatar

      Ooh silver & pink! Both superb choices, I’m still considering looking for a pink one actually. Have you seen these jumpers? Not sure on sizing that’s the only issue I have with them.

  • avatar

    Hello! I have just stumbled across you blog, and it is wonderful! The issue around ethical clothing has been bothering me of late, as I don’t know how to find out which retailers produce their clothing with good work practices. Is there a way of finding out? Many thanks!

    • avatar

      This is a bone of contention for me too Nellie. I’ve always thought a website listing the good the bad & the ugly would be handy but I’m yet to find one with a comprehensive list. Have a look at my post here that has a couple of good links. Also if you’re on Instagram you can keep up to date with fair trade practices on this account.
      I believe the rule of thumb is if the full price seems incredibly low i.e. a pair of shoes for £8 or a sequin top for a tenner then there’s no doubt child labour or slave labour was involved in manufacture. True there are also some Brands with higher price points who have been found to use child labour such as Gap & Banana Republic but I find once you get used to keeping your ear to the ground you’ll learn more & more. I do my best to know as much as possible but inadvertantly some will slip past my radar, they’re sneaky buggers. Still, once I know I shout it from the rooftops!
      I subscribe to emails from SumOfUs which is a brilliant & informative organisation for human rights.
      Inevitably the only way it’ll stop is by the businesses losing customers, the govt is moving away from fair trade & equal rights through Brexit as we speak so they cannot be relied upon. It’s up to us x

  • avatar
    Wendy Kate

    You look absolutely fab! However, I think i would have gone for the boots instead, I love the sandals but really not sure about the grey tights with them but you carry it all off very well. Love the bun too 🙂 x

    • avatar

      You may be right actually Wendy Kate, I really wasn’t sure myself but that’s what this post is all about right? The boots are definitely next 😉 xx

  • avatar
    Rozanne Swift

    Pale blue teamed with black is a revelation; not a colour combination that would work at all on me, sadly, but I can admire it nonetheless, and it looks terrific on you. And I love how you stepped out of your comfort zone to mix woolly tights and sassy sandals. To my eye, the juxtaposition works, it’s a really fun outfit! xx

    • avatar

      Thanks Rozanne – It’s fun to play about with my style otherwise Fashion can get a bit samey & dull xx

  • avatar
    Nancy Baten

    I am so happy to see you in this color! I wanted to wear my light grey pleated skirt yesterday and someone said to me:that is a Summer color, you don t want to wear it now do you! And I just loved it with a dark grey cable knit sweater! I love the tights in sandals. I bought yesterday glitter socks to wear in my peeptoes! Love the look!
    Hope to see you tomorrow on my Fancy Friday linkup!

    • avatar

      Ha glitter socks YAY, I have a pair too! I think there is always a way to re-style anything to suit the weather Nancy. Anyway if not who cares right? It’s fun trying!
      I’ll see you tomorrow x

  • avatar

    Love the look, love the pleat and love, love, love your sandals, Michelle! Not to mention the adorable messy bun from the video the other day. What a chic Mama! Sending you lots of love! xx Abby

    • avatar

      Aw love you Abby xxxxxx

  • avatar

    Well, so here I was thinking I was SO OVER this pleated midi skirt trend since it has been around a few seasons (thanks to Gucci) and then you go and style it in a new and clever way and it looks fresh to me again! I was really having trend fatigue (I blame Instagram) I’m going to reconsider the pleated midi now. Lovely styling, Michelle xx

    • avatar

      Hahahahaha I am soooo with you there Lisa! The pleated skirt IS all over Instagram & I too am bored to death by it. Which is exactly why I wasn’t going to buy a new skirt. If I hadn’t found this pretty blue one on Ebay I’d have stopped looking, turned out a happy accident in the end. So pleased to hear you like my styling of it xxx

  • avatar
    Suzy Turner

    What a gorgeous outfit. I’ve been considering buying a pleated skirt (I’m so often behind the times) but not so sure what to wear with it but you’ve proved here that it can look amazing with opaque tights and heels! Gorgeous 🙂
    Suzy xx

    • avatar

      Ah you like the tights & sandals Suzy? Mixed reviews on that combo, go for it I say! Who cares what’s in or out, trends are more about getting ideas don’t you think? X

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