Sometimes a girl just wants to twirrrrrrl!
Do you remember the scene in “Postcards from the Edge” when Meryl Streeps chararcter accuses her Mother Shirley Maclaine, of always stealing the limelight? She recalled the example of her 5th birthday party where her Mother lifted her skirt in front of all the guests.
To which her Mother roared back “It twirrrrrled!”
The perfectly timed deadpan response from Meryl was “You weren’t wearing any underwear”
Bahahahaha Priceless!
How fabulous was the delivery of dialogue in that movie? Carrie Fisher has such a sharp laconic wit. After I saw this film adaptation of her novel in the 90’s I devoured everything she wrote!
Of course Ms Fisher is also an incredibly fine Actor & never more outstanding than when she plays comedy. Recently in her all too brief role in TV show “Catastrophe” she steals every scene as Rob’s foul-mouthed, dispassionate Mother.
If you haven’t caught this brilliant comedy yet, do catch up on Amazon (U.S) or Channel 4 (U.K) before the third series wraps shooting – You’ll thank me, it’s a classic.
Now back to my Boho skirt….
Today’s outfit is how to update a Boho skirt
This old Boho maxi of mine is the perfect skirt to twirl with its tiered layers of diaphanous fabric. Now you may think the Bohemian look is a smidge outdated & to be fair, I’d agree with that. However there are ways to style an old trend genre that give it a fresh incarnation. How I’ve done that in this case is by adding some structure with a wide waist belt.
Now if you suit a fitted waist then a good quality waist belt is a classic wardrobe staple in my book. Something worth spending a little extra on because it adds a touch of chic to an outfit & trust me you will get a lifetime of wear out of it. I can’t even remember how long ago I bought this AllSaints one!
The next thing I recommend is pairing a fairly plain black long-sleeved top. A little subtle detail is fine but do keep it simple such as the button shoulder & lightly gathered front seam of my top. No lace, no sheer anything & definitely no colour.
My Vintage Tom Ford Gucci Bag
The famous horesbit bag by Gucci has held its value rather well, not that I’d ever sell mine! I think my version is particularly special with the purple silk which just happens to be a perfect match to the print of my Boho skirt. Vintage Gucci bags in pristine condition have become quite rare. Although I did eventually find a rather gorgeous one on Vestiaire Collective that I added in the above shop options for anyone who’s keen. Additionally Vintage Heirloom the premium online vintage boutique, has some stunning choices worth a look.
For more examples of outfits that compliment this versatile bag have a look at these posts.

I have to apologies for the break between posts, as you can see I’ve changed over to a new theme which has kept this poor old Bloggers face in a computer almost 24/7! Learning the new layout, & all the terrific code styles this theme offers has been challenging as well as exhausting. Yet I’m completely, 100% thrilled to bits with the result however there is still a long way to go before I’ve massaged every single one of my existing posts into their new position – So please do bear with me if you spot something wonky, I’ll get to it eventually wink
I just felt it was best to publish at this stage otherwise I may never get out from under my laptop! Hahahaha
Buy for now,
Comments ( 20 )
No Fear of Fashion
Let me be the first to comment. Even though I am not typing in capitals, it does show on your blog in capitals. Little glitches. When I changed theme, even from Blogspot to WordPress I hired a young guy to do all this dirty work. And he could transfer all my old blogposts in one go.
I know I am a rich bitch as I can afford a hired help (price range from € 25 – € 35 an hour).
Furthermore, you inspired me to wear my long fuchsia skirt again. Even though I haven’t got a waist (and a very short one too. I should have the lower rib removed, really. Like Cher did.)
You did a wonderful styling job
Woo hoo YAY! You like it! Thank you soooo much Greetje, yes it would have been many hours work for a tech & I really couldn’t justify the money. That said it was an incredible learning experience that I actually really enjoyed. There is a little experimenting going on using the features but that’s all the fun right?
Remove a rib? PAH! No need, the wide belt will excentuate your waist with a full skirt – Try it then get back to me.
By the way Greetje, I saw that your last comment was lost in the transfer between themes for some reason. However I did get the chance to read it first & can I say (she bows) I am in awe of your solar panels! We only have 6, I’m hoping to figure out a way of fitting more in the future.
Nancy Baten
That s a great skirt to wear with a sweater and ankle boots! i bought a strapless summer dress in August that I wear as a maxi skirt in Fall!
I’m totally with you you on that Nancy! I love that look too 😉
Michelle- the new layout looks fabulous. Well worth all of yiour gard work. As “Rich Bitch” Greetje saud above (I can’t stop laughing Greetje), the COMMENT is coming up in upper case letters too. Well done and another lovely outfit xxx
Please excuse all the typos above Michelle 🙄Xxx
yOU aRE excOOSed aLWays Me loVE 😉
Heehee OH MY GORD IS IT! NO I’M NOT SHOUTING! So sorry everyone, I actually have no idea why the caps is up YA’LL!
Hi Michelle,
Loving the new layout! It can be a daunting task, but is so rewarding when done, right. I’ve been looking at themes for sometime in the New Year. Very nice tag line too! Love the long Boho skirt and the colors showing against the black, very pretty!
Have a great day,
Jess xx
Thanks so so much Jess! Oh my god it is unbelievably satisfying doing i myself, if it wasn’t for theose pesky kids interrupting me! Hahaha but seriously, thanks for appreciating my efforts & good luck finding your new theme. There are some pretty awesome ones out there! xxx
Loving the theme, loving the skirt, and triple loving that BAG! Congrats on the new theme, it looks great, babe. And well done on bringing a retro skirt into 2016; it looks modern and cool. xx
Ha nobody knows better than you what I did to get here! Thank you Lisa xxx
Wendy Kate
The blog looks good and the skirt is fab 🙂 I am now remembering a long sleeve flowery dress that might work with a wide belt too…. thanks for the inspiration xx
You made my day Wendy Kate – Again! I love to hear that I’ve inspired someone to rummage through their wardrobe 😉 That’s what RCM is all about xxx
Love the new layout – looks fab x
Thank you so much BIRTHDAY GIRL! And for your continued support – I know I can be a bore sometimes 😉 Love you xxx
Somebody went geeky! Brilliant! New theme, new hair, cool skirt – loving every bit of this post! You look amazing as always Michelle! xx Abby
You know my kids might disagree with your “Geeky” label of me Abby? But I don’t care I bloody love it! Never in a million years would I have thought someone would call me a Geek, especially at 49! Although to be fair, code is quite artistic. No?
Thank you for your constant positivity & generosity my friend xxx
Cute skirt, very nice how you’ve styled it. Jacqui
Thanks Jacqui xx