I’m always banging on about the importance of buying from ethical & sustainable clothing brands so it will come as no surprise to you why I’ve chosen Mayoral for today’s kid’s fashion post.
Spanish brand Mayoral Moda Infantil is a family owned company with high corporate & social ethics. They believe in taking responsibility for all their actions worldwide. Mayoral enforce an impressive code of conduct with all manufacturers, factories and other organisations collaborating in the production of their garments . Some of these include safety & hygiene for workers, fair pay & most importantly no child or forced labour is tolerated. In addition to the human aspect they are committed to protecting the environment, consistently reducing their carbon footprint by incorporating new sustainability policies year after year. The irony of children’s clothes being made by children never ceases to amaze & disgust me so it’s with great pleasure that I’m throwing the spotlight on Mayoral today.
Of course there is a mountain of cool kids clothing on the high street & most of it is cheaper than buying your mid morning cappuccino & cake. Naturally this is a bad thing. If it’s that cheap rest assured it has a dark provenance & I for one won’t go there. I understand children are expensive, I have three! So I say let’s go back to the good old days of the “hand me down”.
My kids have enjoyed rummaging through sacks of second-hand clothes from my friend Lisa their entire lives. For them there is absolutely no stigma attached to it what so ever, in fact quite the opposite. They think it’s pretty awesome getting the latest look from older kids whom they admire. And it doesn’t stop with them, I recently gave my niece an adorable white summer dress with little strawberries printed on it. Another gem originally from Lisa & still in pristine condition after both my girls had outgrown it. That’s 4 children & counting…my youngest niece will wear it next!
How to get more wear out of childrenswear
Because our children grow out of their clothes & shoes so quickly it doesn’t matter if the quality is poor & they fall apart, lose shape or fade. Right? No not right, wrong…Very wrong. Kids clothes are washed more & need to withstand enormous wear & tear especially shoes. When the standard is high they remain in excellent condition for the next child to wear. If you have more than one child like me you’ll be recycling most of it within the family anyway. Why just this morning a Mum from Lulu’s class said she remembered my eldest wearing the No Added Sugar coat she had on. Now my girls are five years apart so it’s slightly tricky however I manage to keep all Kiki’s bits for Lulu stored in a vacuüm sealed bag so they get another round of wear. Then after Lu has outgrown them I send some to their little cousins & the rest to charity.
Failing that, another terrific way to recycle stylish childrenswear is by selling it on Ebay! Right Abby?
Shop the Outfit
Top – Mayoral
Jeans – Mayoral
Jacket – Mayoral
Sunglasses – New Look via Oxfam
Shoes – Marks and Spencer
The choices of style Mayoral offer for pre-teens is pretty impressive. Kiki isn’t one for frills & bows or girlie styles, she’ll tell you herself she’s a tomboy. You’d think that would limit her options yet she was spoilt for choice & absolutely loved the other T-shirts & jeans in the range. She jumped all over this jacket – “black like my soul” she joked the funny kid. The boys gear is just as fashion forward & there’s also plenty of party outfits too if you’re in need of something more fancy. Anyway I’ll leave you to have browse through their site, let me know what you think…Mx
Next post is about Rixo London & the dress I wore to the Uk Blog Awards.

Comments ( 12 )
Simplement Lui
Nice and cool outfit 😉
Thank you so much!
I have so much respect for how well you walk your talk with regard to sustainable shopping. I also get a lot of hand me downs from Matthias’ colleague who has one son a few years older than Alexandre. After we are finished wearing something, I donate it to FARA, since I don’t know anyone else with sons younger than mine. This looks like a lovely range of clothes from this brand; I’m bookmarking them for the next time I need to buy my boy some non-school-uniform clothing. xx
No Fear of Fashion
For a minute I thought Michelle meant you when she wrote Lisa hahaha.
Thank you honey xx
No Fear of Fashion
What a good looking daughter you have !!! Well… if the mother is so good looking, then why not the daughter. Although…. I do know a couple… he and she are very good looking and their son and daughter, still todlers, are the ugliest todlers I have ever seen. And I adore todlers, usually love all of them. So you can imagine.
Luckily your daughter inherited her mother’s looks. And has her own style. Kudos.
PS cute doggie too.
I’m crying with laughter at this observation Greetje! I must admit I have also known this phenomenon on the odd occasion heehee shhhhh
First of all – OH MY, your lovely daughter has changed so much since her last post! She’s a beautiful young lady now! As for the brand I don’t really know it that well since I usually shop at Zara Kids, but it makes total sense. I still put my kids in front of the computer screen and say: you have 5 minutes, pick your cloths! 😉 The cloths outlast them most of the time so I recycle them on eBay and with the money made I shop at Zara online. Sending you both lots of love! xx Abby
Ah yes I remember you do this with your kids, very clever too. It was kinda like that when Kiki chose this outfit & I have to say very quick & painless doing it online. No way I’d be dragging them around the shops, trying on clothes & all that palaver! xxx
Kirsten Glasson
I look forward to getting this outfit in approx 7 years and I’ll still love it just as much! Kiki stop growing up, you look amazing. The girls love getting “presents” from you, they comment how kind it is lulu gave us her clothes. The clothes won’t stop at us either, I’m about to hand down my fav No Added Sugar jacket. Can’t agree with you more loads of my girls things are bought and sold through local fabebook buy, swap, sell groups, the girls love picking up buys from people’s doorsteps…and tell me to sell or charity things when they’ve outgrown them 😍
Oh I completely forgot about the Facebook selling pages! Thanks for mentioning that Kirsten, I know it’s really popular in Australia but we don’t see it here in the UK that much so it’s good you said. Another avenue for people to explore 😉 xxx