It’s garden party season & I’ve just been to the biggest one of the year! I’ll be attending more garden parties & barbies over the coming months but none as grand as The RHS Chelsea Flower Show. I’ve never been before so to be invited by MADELEINE was an enormous privilege, not only could I choose an outfit to wear from their incredible range but would be hanging out in the private Jardin Blanc. A luxurious quiet space of elegant fine dining with a signature menu designed by renowned chef Raymond Blanc himself! Could this get any better? Well yes as a matter of fact because I was spending the entire day with my blogger besties the Over40Collective.
What I wore to the garden party
I didn’t so much choose this dress as it chose me, you know what I mean? The deep rich purple suede is every bit as lush in real life & oh so tactile. The high quality details & finish make this showstopper a simple throw on & go outfit. Yet with its obvious retro vibe I knew my vintage fish scale belt was a must to go with it. Not only does this belt fit the style, its silver tone compliments the zips on my sleeves & down my back as if made for the dress! Choosing shoe colour was also easy as I wanted them to contrast instead of blend with the purple. Baby blue was my instinctive choice, turquoise & tangerine would work equally well. Regarding the style of shoe, I could’ve worn strappy flats but since this would be a fancy affair I opted for heels although as you can see these are sensible block heels. No sinking into the grass for me this day.
As for jewellery, nothing else is needed when you have a rock the size of Gibraltar on your finger! Thanks to Lisa The Sequinist, once again providing outstanding sparkle to complete my outfit. You may recall the divine Swarovski earrings I borrowed from her to wear with my Rixo dress? This cocktail ring is also Swarovski, with an adjustable band it’s for sale on her blog shop. Make sure you click on my link to What Lizzie Loves for her stunning pale green version A.MAZE.ING & only £35 would you believe?

My thoughts on the Over40Collective

As we’d hoped this year is the jumping off point of success for the Over40Collective. Going into business with this bunch of babes has been an incredible experience with a massive learning curve thrown in for good measure. There’s no chance I’ll fall behind on new technology in blogging & photography with my daily dose of inspiration from these smart & sassy chicks. For example you may remember I recently started shooting my images in RAW which requires complicated editing including new software. I’m certain I wouldn’t have been so eager to learn all that without words of wisdom from my girls.
Have you ever felt isolated or in need of support in your career? I hope you have women around who you can call upon for help but if you don’t why not arrange a meet up with your colleagues for a chat over drinks? Often they’re feeling the same, it simply takes the courage of one person to make the first move. I know it’s not always easy initiating a frank conversation about work but there is so much to gain when we share information without fear. Whether that’s learning new strategies & techniques or simply receiving encouragement & support on a bad day. There’s no shame in struggling with a certain aspect of your job nor reason to hide the detail of your successes. Once you are part of an honest, transparent group you’ll wonder how you managed before without them. There’s no reason work can’t be a giggle too, it’s bloody hard to have fun on your own right? We keep a daily open conversation on WhatsApp so there’s always someone to bounce off & laugh with. There’s no doubt in my mind having a team of women behind me has been the making of RCM – I genuinely have a lot to be thankful for.
I love how diverse our styles are, there’s something for every sartorial taste. Click through the highlighted blogs to see full details of these outfits. Bye for now gorgeous people, Mx
L-R Lisa – The Sequinist Nikki – Midlife Chic Catherine – Not Dressed as Lamb Elizabeth – What Lizzy Loves Annette – Lady of Style Michelle – Barefaced Chic
This post is sponsored by MADELEINE however all my opinions are genuinely mine.
Comments ( 22 )
OMG! Look at you Absolutely Gorgeous & Hot Mama!!! What a stunner, not only at a garden party! And in beautiful company as well. Lots of love ! xx Abby
Thanks darling girl, you always say the loveliest things xxx
You look gorgeous and the photographs are stunning. What a wonderful day.
Thanks Josephine. It was so relaxing not having to take the pictures myself for a change. I actually felt like I should’ve been doing more, you know like work? 😉
It always looks so very nice when you are all together! And of course you look fantastic! You always do!
Hi Nancy! It is always really special, probably because we don’t do it often. That’s why I want other women to form work related groups like ours, the support is genuinely amazing, everyone should have that xx
SUzy Turner
Holy crap – that DRESS if to die for, Michelle!!!! It looks freaking AMAZEBALLS on you too. Purple is definitely your colour. I’m super envious you got to hang out with such a great bunch of gals in such a beautiful location. I’ve always wanted to visit the Chelsea Flower Show but it’s often difficult for us o get away from the Algarve at this time of year as hubby is so busy! One day, we’ll get there!
Hugs from a very warm Algarve,
Suzy xx
Teeheehee fanks mate 😉
I had always wanted to go too but not as much as my Hubby so you can imagine the reaction I got from him. I almost wanted to paly it all down, spare his feelings….Nah couldn’t do it, it was AMAZE BALLS! Sowee Mark I said with a little guilty look in my eye. I don’t think he’d have got one leg into that dress anyway so you know, it was never gonna happen.
Hugs back xxx
No Fear of Fashion
I adore your outfit. The dress, the belt, the shoes, the ring. As always I am tempted to copy everything. Hoping to look like you do haha.
But I am back on a budget. Of none,
Such a shame as all your items are sooo me. OK and you. Mostly you I suppose.
Hahaha Greetje you funny lady, of course copy away that’s why I do the blog! My styling is for inspiration so you don’t have to buy everything, perhaps look through your wardrobe for similar items? You always look so fab anyway girl x
No Fear of Fashion
My own RIXO London comes closest I suppose. I shouldn’t be greedy….
I read your Rixo dress post Greet. Ron outdid himself with those photos didn’t he? The dress is amazing on you my friend, just stunning. I can imagine the boots with it too, in colder months obviously but yes definitely go for it!
I absolutely ADORE this beautiful purple dress; the quality is just unmissable. I also adore the way you styled it in such a fun way… ponytail, belt, patent shoes and of course the showstopper ring! You really made this dress so YOU! Perfect in purple, beautiful friend. xx
Superhigh praise from the Queen of sparkle! Thank you my darling, I must admit it wasn’t difficult with such a fabulous dress to work with xx
You looked stunning in this outfit Michelle. The colour is amazing with your skintones and it suited your sleeeeeek figure to perfection. It was so good to spend time with yo and it went way to quickly. have a lovely weekend xxxx
Thanks Liz! Agree, waaaaay too fast ;-( As with all great days they whizz by but I’m so grateful to have had it xx
Wow! what a stunning dress – love it styled with your colours. x
Thanks Jacqui, this colour in suede just gives it so much depth. The dress speaks for itself really, I was very lucky x
Simplement Lui
Great outfit and pictures 😉
Thank you so much! x
Love this outfit so much Michelle. The colour of the dress with those shoes is awesome – and then that ring!!! You can simply pass them all my way – haha!
xxx Yvonne
Thanks so much Yvonne anytime you want to swap wardrobes, you’re on! I love your outfits 😉 xx