Relocating to New Jersey from London requires a great deal of research when you have children. I moved countries many times BC & compared to this it was a doddle, an adventure, rather fun actually. Even the difficulties were kind of exciting in an obscene death-defying way. I used to enjoy flying by the seat of my pants but nooooo, not any more. Not now. Nope it aint no fun no more. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Life choices change when you drop three kids into the picture…
As every parent knows, you’re only as happy as your unhappiest child. Therefore to avoid unnecessary upset I research. Essentially there are two important details that directly impact the children – School & healthcare. Our worry about school mostly concerned Jaspers special education needs whereas healthcare is more about Kiara. Firstly because she suffers from asthma & uses a ventolin inhaler every day. Secondly, she was only three months into her orthodontic treatment when we left. Kiara has metal braces on her upper & lower teeth to correct an over-bite & crowding as she doesn’t have enough space for all her adult teeth. This specialist dental work will take two years of wearing braces followed by two years with a retainer.
To say Mark & I were ill prepared for the healthcare system in America is a gross understatement so I’ll save that for another time. For today’s post I want to tell you about our incredibly positive experience with dental care here in New Jersey. Now as I mentioned, Kiki needed to see an orthodontist regularly to continue her treatment which was in its early stages. She wasn’t enjoying it at all but we knew no better & just figured that was what she had to tolerate for straight teeth.
Kiki endured regular ulcers & cuts from the metal, her lips were often sore & sometimes even swollen. She encountered loose brackets three times in three months so including the regular tightening required, she’d already seen the orthodontist five times! Appointments were so relentless it felt like the practice had a revolving door. Add to that the complicated cleaning that Kiki often neglected & it’s fair to say her braces were a pain in every sense of the word. Never the less I was incredibly grateful to the wonderful NHS for 100% covering her entire treatment.
However things are very different in America so I was anxious to find good dental care for Kiki as soon as possible. The last thing I wanted was an emergency appointment with some random Orthodontist.
When we step into Clemente Orthodontics reception the kids immediately clock a row of shiny black ipads. All three turn to me with pure joy on their faces as if it’s Christmas morning. I had to laugh at their reaction & give major kudos to Clemente for the genius distraction. With my nod of approval the children are gone in a hot second. However it isn’t long before we’re shown to the treatment room by the super friendly Dental nurse. In fact the entire staff acknowledge all of us which serves to put Kiki at ease straight away. The state of the art treatment rooms are equally bright & welcoming. As she sits in the chair Kiki notices a remote control by her side. A flat screen T.V is conveniently placed high to occupy the nervous patient. Naturally she can’t help herself & clicks the T.V on. Guess what? Netflix! This practice is clearly designed with kids & teens in mind.
Kiki’s Netflix cruising is cut short when Dr Clemente appears. First she introduces herself to Kiara then me & asks us both what she can help us with today. I show her the notes from our previous Orthodontist then explain our move from the U.K. After Dr Clemente studies the notes & checks Kiki’s braces she asks if I’d considered Invisalign instead of metal.
Huh? What’s that now? I am totally clueless so Dr Clemente explains how Invisalign works while I listen transfixed, jaw on the floor. Oh.Em.Geee! Why have I not heard of Invisalign? This treatment sounds incredible! Then I look across at Kiki who has an enormous smile on her face. That says it all.
Evidently Kiara knew all about Invisalign & really REALLY wanted it. That’s the first I’d heard of it. Geez ya think you know someone right? “It’s sooo good Mummy!”
And so it was with tremendous relief & overwhelming joy of a twelve-year-old, that we connected with this brilliant family run practice.
Oh boy did we get lucky with Clemente Orthodontics! Not only America’s leading experts of Invisalign but also conveniently in the centre of our new hometown, Ridgewood!

What are the differences between metal braces & Invisalign apart from the clever technology? You may be surprised to learn there are many. It’s also worth noting this treatment is ideal for adults who’d like straight teeth but hate the idea of metal. Now they can achieve the same results in half the time without the pain, embarrassment & inconvenience! As you can see this option is literally invisible & has zero impact on every day life. I mean I get it, who wants to walk around with train-tracks at 40 right?
- COMFORT – When I say there may be some minor pain that’s over-stating it. Kiara experienced aching gums on the first day that was cured with two ibuprofen. On her first aligner change the following week she also experienced slight pain. However she declined the ibuprofen so I guess it was very mild. There may be times when a particular tray impacts more heavily causing minor pain but in 10 weeks, Kiki hasn’t experienced anything that bothers her since then. The teeth are adjusted individually per tray. It’s so gentle, the movement is imperceptible. Whereas metal braces affect every single tooth all at once.
- AESTHETICS – Of course this is obvious, just look at the photos. But here’s the thing. Kiara was twelve when she started treatment, is now thirteen & will be fourteen when it’s completed. We all know how cruel hormones are in adolescence so why add insult to injury? My beautiful daughter barely smiled when the metal braces were in her mouth. You can see how awkward she is in the first two images. That’s completely genuine. Now check out the photos of her Invisalign. Kiara is less self-conscious, relaxed & definitely happier in general. I can tell you hand on heart I immediately noticed the change in her demeanor.
- CLEANING – Kiki’s teeth are whiter with Invisalign simply because she’s able to clean them properly. We had so many arguments about her mouth hygiene when she had the metal braces that we simply don’t have now. All she has to do is temporarily remove the aligners to clean her teeth thoroughly with an electric toothbrush.
- NOTICEABLE IMPROVEMENT – As you progress through treatment you see the correction unfolding before your eyes. We’ve already noticed the improvement in Kiara’s teeth! Every single aligner is specifically tailored to adjust the teeth according to your requirements, making the process gradual yet obvious. Clemente Orthodontists have been the authority on Invisalign since it’s inception twenty years ago so when they say nobody is unsuitable, I believe them.
- EATING – This refers to eating as well as socializing. If you’ve ever had metal braces or have a teen with them you know how debilitating they are in public. Cringey moments are a thing of the past with Invisalign. The food doesn’t get stuck in them because you remove the aligners to eat. After the meal, discreetly rinse your mouth with water & put your aligners back in. It’s so much easier & infinitely more comfortable! I can’t tell you how self-conscious Kiki was when we ate out before Invisalign. There’s really no comparison. Surprisingly, she never forgets to take her aligner box when we go out. She really has become independent to the task. Bless her, she has to remember two things now – the box & her inhaler.
- CONVENIENCE – Speaking of independence, the beauty of this system is in the self-care. Kiki went home with six weeks of aligners to start. She changed them each week on the same day, keeping the one she removed in the unlikely event of future adjustment. But basically she just put the new one in & that was that. On her second visit to Clemente they confirmed she was doing well with the responsibility therefore stepped up to 12 aligners. In twelve weeks her next visit to Clemente will add more, making the appointments even further apart. Interruption to daily life is minimal with Invisalign as opposed to metal braces. No more tightening, no broken brackets or wires to contend with & not a single emergency appointment to date…YAY!
Remove aligners to eat
Kiara has grown-up a lot in the four months since we came to America. She turned thirteen & has made firm friends at her Middle School. But you know what I’ve noticed above all else? My girl smiles more. I truly believe it’s because she no longer has a mouth full of metal & that’s entirely down to Clemente Orthodontics. I have to tell you a funny story after Kiki’s last appointment – Lucia announced “I’ve decided I want to be an Orthodontist when I grow up!” How amazing is that? She’s eight! Have you ever heard an eight year old say they want to be an Orthodontist? Now if that’s not a massive vote of confidence for team Clemente I don’t know what is…
Keep smiling & bye for now my lovelies xx
*A big thank you to the marvelous Clemente Orthodontics for partnering on this post.
Clemente Orthodontics Ridgewood New Jersey Tel: (201) 447-2888 | New City New York Tel: (845) 638-6646
Comments ( 15 )
OMG! Thank you Michelle so much for this post. My kids will need some correction soon and I was about to research alternatives to braces as I knew there must be something better now in the 21st century. And then you came along with your article. I’ checked immediately and it seems they have five centres here in Paris so we’ll definitely pay them a visit soon. That’s absolutely brilliant! Your timing couldn’t be better! Thanks again! ❤️ xx Abby
Yay that’s excellent Abby!I’m so pleased to hear that my post has been helpful, let me know how you get on xxx
Lazy da Jones
Great informative post…
She is a beautiful girl (and so much like you too!)
Congrats to her on ditching the hardware! Dental care is sooo much more advanced in the US even though it’s expensive ?
My Mum has better teeth than me because she lives in Florida.
Have a super week
Ash xxx
Aw thank you Ashley, that’s so kind of you to say xx
No Fear of Fashion
Amazing! And so, so nice! I can imagine your joy from your story. Took me a while before I got that Kiki and Kiara were the same person haha.
I will have to go through this at the age of 64 as my teeth started to wander a year ago. Not sure whether I can have the invisible ones. Three colleagues of mine have braces: two metal and one invisible. The youngest (35? 40?) has the invisible ones. The two women are around 50. It is all the rage here haha.
Oh right, I’ve heard of this happening Greetje. I’m pretty sure age has no bearing on whether you can have Invisalign or not, but I’ll be interested to hear how you get on. Surprisingly, I learned that you can start correcting teeth from as early as seven or eigt years old! Evidently there is no limit to what can be done to improve our smiles these days 😉
No Fear of Fashion
Oh yes, I had braces when I was eight. Very old fashioned ones but I am still very glad I had them.
Eight really? That sounds young but then again probably perfect timing actually & look at your pretty smile! It’s so much easier to have this type of work done as a child isn’t it? I know a few adults who really dislike their teeth but are scared to have the dental work. There’s no denying straight teeth make a huge difference to our smile & overall confidence. Personally I think it’s money well spent & I’d do without in other areas to make that happen.
Lisa the Sequinist
I’m so pleased you found such a great place to take care of your children’s teeth! Invisalign is meant to be ace; I keep meaning to look into it for my lower teeth which shifted a little after Alexandre was born. I wish I lived by you and I’d go there like a shot! This is great information, thank you! I’ll be prepared when my boy reaches that stage. xx
Pregnancy sure does effect our bodies in more ways than one doesn’t it? Now that you mention it I do remember reading that the teeth can move & gums soften during pregnancy, apparantly it’s also a signal to watch for miscarriage. I had two of those & read about it at that time.
Getting back to your teeth now – I think having aligners just for the bottom would be super easy yet give a noticable improvement xx
Janet hartmAn
So happy, Michelle that you found a great orthodontist close to home! Both of my children, ages 16 and 18, required adjustments to their teeth at a later age than most kids. When Invisalign was proposed as an option for my then 17 year old son, we jumped right on it since he did not want to deal with metal braces for aesthetic reasons as well as the hassle while he’s away in college. He has been so happy with the results! He’s been given enough trays to last him until he comes home for Christmas break so he is set! My daughter has recently started wearing them and she too is happy with the results which we can already see! The one caviat with Invisalign is that the wearer needs to be diligent in keeping them in or the process will take longer than expected. I am so happy Kiara is doing well with Invisalign and her self confidence as well!
So important at that age!
Thanks Janet, yes you’re clearly an expert with this now. That’s great advice about being diligent xx
Hi. It sounds interesting for invisalign. I never experience it, I know only metal braces. It’s easy to eat and clean. We can forget tuck food particles between teeth. I’ll learn more about invisalign. By the way, I think it’s still necessary to take care between teeth by a dental floss. Only brush is not enough effective. I experiece using only brush but I faced with gum infection so I buy this dental floss here I use this before brushing, i found a positive result with infection and reduce bad breath. It’s just basic to take care of teeth but effective result for the long run.
Beautiful girl with a beautiful smile. Invisilign is the way to go if you can. I did it myself a few years go and was so happy I did. Great post and so happy to see great results.
Thank you Sherry! Oh gosh yes it really is the way forward isn’t it? Speaking of which, it’s my son’s turn this year….