

Recently it has become glaringly obvious to me why fast fashion is such a blinding success. We have an insatiable desire to follow the latest trends! We’re all guilty of wanting the next look and let’s face it Instagram has only heightened that desire with the advent of the Fashion Influencer.

Now ubiquitous in every demographic, even mine the over 50’s! Influencers push a new, must-have style every single day. And just like any good dealer, they quickly got us addicted. Not satisfied with merely a new season, we now crave the daily trends those lovelies post to their Insta squares. Luckily for us mere mortals not in the 2%, there’s always some piece of the ensemble from Zara (or the like) to quickly and cheaply copy. Well isn’t that the point?

Hold on a second Judgey McJudgerson, I hear you cry. So how am I different, you ask? Yes my aim is to influence, that’s true. However, as I become a more conscious consumer my goal is to influence everyone to buy LESS as opposed to MORE. And if I can influence you to shop sustainably, then YOU will influence those around you too. The more people we convince about the virtues of a sustainable closet, the better chance there is of the fashion industry stepping up. After all, the climate emergency is an all hands on deck scenario. Not one person, brand or company is solely to blame. Nor can we cure the impending crisis with a single act.

As Amelia Earhart said

“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.”

So let’s be kind to the people who make our clothes and the planet we all inhabit and maybe those trees will begin to grow again. Figuratively and metaphorically.


BODEN wrap dress retail $140



Renting designer pieces has been around for some time. Remember that cringeworthy scene in Sex and the City the movie back in 2008? When  “Louise from Saint Louis” explained to Carrie how she could afford a Louis Vuitton bag?

Oh boy…Wrong on so many levels, anyway my point is renting designer isn’t a new phenomenon. However, what is new, is the social acceptance of renting instead of buying. Once considered an embarrassment, renting is now clearly the clever girls guide to style and substance. I guess we have the climate crisis to thank for not only normalizing but applauding the more sustainable act of renting your closet.

Now onto the nuts and bolts of renting our fashion. How does it work exactly?

I think the first point to make is you can either rent a single item or commit to a monthly subscription box. The difference merely depends on your purpose for the rental. Is it a one-off special occasion or general wardrobe curation?

As the song goes… Let’s break it down.

MILLY dress retail $575





Since there are so many subscription sites now, I decided to highlight just a few. The only real difference between these is how they operate. YOU choose what you’d like in your box or a STYLIST chooses for you after you fill out a questionnaire. Personally, I don’t fancy a stylist choosing my clothes for me. I know what I like and scrolling through all the gorgeous clothes is half the fun! However, I understand the appeal of having an expert choose your wardrobe for you especially if you’re busy, pregnant or would like advice. Sometimes it’s just nice to hand over the task, if styling isn’t fun for you.

Speaking of maternity wear..renting is now the cheapest way to get through pregnancy and post-pregnancy with style. Why feel frumpy, wearing your Husbands baggy shirts and tracky daks when you can rent properly fitting maternity wear through every stage of your body changes? I think this will also help new Mums get back into shape. When you feel good in your clothes, it gives you confidence which serves to motivate you further.


I decided to sign up to Armoire and get the real experience of renting before I published this post. At $149 a month of unlimited swaps, it’s a good price point for such an incredible array of high-quality stock. To begin my monthly subscription, I chose 4 items in what they call a case. I can keep this case for the entire month or send it back to swap whenever I like. The beauty of this subscription is the prospect of continual variety in my closet. Imagine sending back the case every week? That effectively gives me sixteen new outfits a month BOOYAH!

First up, I answered a few simple questions in a survey that determines my style profile. Basically, questions like height and size combined with my preferences for clothing shapes. I clicked through pages asking what I DON’T LIKE such as neckline and sleeve length, it can be more than one or it can be all. I also clicked on specific occasions to wear these clothes. For me, it is weekend casual and date night. Finally, I was asked how I like my clothes to fit and what colours and patterns to avoid. The quiz algorithm identified my style pretty accurately, I genuinely liked almost every item in my virtual wardrobe. I noted the pieces I didn’t like which were immediately replaced with alternatives. Then I was asked to name designers I want to wear. My stylist shot back a quick message the following day and I made the final cut down to my four favourite items. My selection arrived a few days later with a return post bag.

As a first try, this turned out rather well. I’m absolutely thrilled to bits that I bagged a Maggie Marilyn skirt! Now I’m excited to see what else they have to offer, plus my next case will be much faster to curate. Armoire has all my details on file and I now know how the system works. Although should I decide to try a completely different look, occasion or category I can simply click on my style profile and change it.

In terms of returns – No washing is required and postage is free. After I’m finished with the clothes, I just log into Armoire and click “exchange my items”. It’s super straightforward and easy to follow the steps.

Everything I’m wearing in today’s post is from my Armoire case apart from my shoes and the pink silk shirt. Anything I fall in love with, I can buy with a member discount or I can send everything back in exchange for new pieces. Additionally, I have the option to continue renting any items in the current case.


Gwynnie Bee has an attractive 30-day free trial incentive and uses the stylist system.


30% off your first three months subscription with code 30FOR3

Membership costs $69 a month for the Classic service or $79 a month for Maternity.

There’s no obligation to buy any of the items but you can if you particularly like something


Rent The Runway offers $80 discount on your 60-day trial

It has gradient renting, Unlimited being the ultimate at $160 a month. Now that may sound a lot of money but a Woman with a disposable income probably spends well over that on her wardrobe so it’s still cheaper and by renting she never wears the same thing twice! For a full-on fashionista, this is fantastic value and almost flawless in terms of the environment. Additionally, RTR handles the dry cleaning bill and shipping is free.


Bag Borrow or Steal is probably the first-ever designer rental. With an impressive inventory of luxury designer bags for rent, this site is arguably the leader of the bag rental market. There is also an option to buy your dream bag from this site. Secondhand, authenticated and with free shipping, it is a tempting prospect.

Equally, if you’d like to try before you buy or just fancy swinging a Gucci bag over your shoulder occasionally but can’t cop the $4,000.00 price tag this is a very fun place to visit!


The last word on renting I leave to Village Luxe. This rental site was set up for charity by ex-model and now “philanthropist” Natalia Vodianova. The word VL uses is BORROW but don’t be thinking for one teeny tiny second that’s what it offers. This isn’t your local public library peeps this is a high fashion game with some seriously sensational designer players. Take a look at this exquisite example of what you could be wearing to your next event for just $145. Sashaying down your own personal runway in a dress that retails for $1450.00 is fabulous but if you prefer something more corporate for an important interview, there’s plenty to choose from here too. As the saying goes, dress to impress and what could be more impressive than a classic Chanel bag?

This site also offers the clothes owner a safe platform from which to rent whilst providing members with an incredible array of luxury designer pieces. From jewellery and bags to clothes and shoes, you’ll find a lot to love on VL. And when you rent from Natalia’s personal collection 100% goes to Naked Heart Foundation.

TIBI maxi dress retail $150




Girlfriends have been sharing clothes since time began, yet I think as we get older it’s less common for some reason. Is it because we have more disposable income and simply buy what we want? Probably, but having money to spare is not what this is about. I propose that instead of buying a new dress for that upcoming event, why not phone a friend and borrow one? That way you can wear it once guilt-free.

Better still, ask your girlfriends around for drinks and take them on a tour of your closet. Offer the ladies a couple of pieces to borrow from you in exchange for a couple of pieces from them. After a month do another swap night and continue to rotate your wardrobes. Sounds like fun don’t you think?


If you’d like to experience clothes swapping on a large scale and you’re in London, check out Luxe Swapz pop-up. The next pop-up is August 24 from 12 – 6pm tickets start at £5. How it works is you take along two items of clothing you no longer want in exchange for shopping tokens. The value of your tokens depends on the quality and label of your items although you may also purchase additional tokens to spend on the day. Buy tickets here.


For those of you in America, there is also Swap Society.


Anyone in or around Berlin can visit Berlin Clothing Swap. My advice is to follow your nearest swap group on Instagram to keep abreast of event dates.


The clothing Exchange began in Melbourne but now holds regular swaps all over Australia. If you live Down Under sign up to this website to find a swap near you.

MAGGIE MARILYN skirt retail $500




My only worry about renting is that it ends up being just another avenue for revenue. It used to be that stores and outlets like TJMaxx, Bicester Village and Woodbury Common only sold excess stock but now big brands actually produce lines specifically for that market! In light of the latest announcement from Anthropologie of its new rental site Nuuly (where customers can also rent Free People and Urban Outfitters) I’m skeptical.

I’d hate to think this new market is seen as an opportunity for fast fashion brands to make more money. Imagine if they actually manufacture clothing specifically for the rental market! In which case that would be akin to greenwashing right?

Stay sustainable my people, love Mx

*DISCLOSURE – Armoire kindly gifted me a months subscription. I’m under no obligation to write a glowing review of Armoire, I truly love this site.

  • Comments ( 14 )

  • avatar

    Rental shops have been around for a long time in London. I used to use them for special occasions. The difference is you used to have to physially go to the shops. Renting is truly the way the world is going..I am in the process of selling my car and will rent or hire when I need one or use public transport. Cars are very polluting and certainly not sustainable. I was one of the first to buy an electric car when they came out a few years ago,

    The next generation do not seem to be so into possessions as the prevous generations which is great I think they are the ones who will truly change the world for the better.

    • avatar

      I love that you’re doing away with your car Josephine! I didn’t have a car for many years and never had an issue. Walking, cycling and using public transport suited me fine. If I was taking a longer journey I’d rent…As you say!
      Then one day when I had my third baby my Husband said, Michelle enough is enough you need a car! I’m stubborn on this and one day hope to get a little plug in to run the kids around for a few years before finally going back to being car free. He and I are at odds on this issue so for now, I concede but not forever!
      And by the way, I agree with you about kid’s today Hahaha I love that saying as a joke. But yes mine are totally unimpressed by “stuff” as are many of their peers. It’s great!

  • avatar
    No Fear of Fashion

    Gosh, this would be the answer to me. Honestly. Why don’t they have such a rental service in the Netherlands? I only know of such services with evening dresses and I was never impressed with their stock or the fit.
    I could set up such a business myself but I am a bit of a scardy cat. No idea either whether there is a market for it in this tiny country. Damned, although holding many flaws, Amerika does seem the land of opportunities.
    Like Josephine said I am thinking about my polluting car. I drive a (modern) diesel. I thought with the new filters they weren’t that bad. Now I am thinking of buying another car, electric or hybrid. Just such a shame there aren’t any sexy models in that segment. Apart from Tesla which is way out of my reach.
    Oh and all the stuff you rented? Absolutely gorgeous.

    • avatar
      No Fear of Fashion

      By the way: beautiful tattoo.

    • avatar

      Actually Greetje, as I researched renting and swapping I found such a lot of options but I had to stop somewhere to get the post finished! I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if there is something near you. If not, then YES please do start one! You know you have the business savvy and we all know you have some back stock Hahaha Just kidding but in all seriousness I do think you could.
      In actual fact it was you who got me thinking about swap meets in the first place. A comment you made a while ago stuck with me and I began looking into it.
      Thanks for sharing thoughts in that lovely brain of yours!

      • avatar
        No Fear of Fashion

        Ah what a sweet compliment. And I didn’t even knew I did something good haha.

  • avatar

    I love that you’re doing away with your car Josephine! I didn’t have a car for many years and never had an issue. Walking, cycling and using public transport suited me fine. If I was taking a longer journey I’d rent…As you say!
    Then one day when I had my third baby my Husband said, Michelle enough is enough you need a car! I’m stubborn on this and one day hope to get a little plug in to run the kids around for a few years before finally going back to being car free. He and I are at odds on this issue so for now, I concede but not forever!
    And by the way, I agree with you about kid’s today Hahaha I love that saying as a joke. But yes mine are totally unimpressed by “stuff” as are many of their peers. It’s great!

  • avatar

    Renting is such a terrific idea Michelle, I will look into all the options in the UK. I’ll be starting a colour consulting business very soon and this is such a great way for people to experiment with new colours and styles too. Plus, budget-friendly IMO as most of us don’t keep proper track of our clothes spending. Thank you for this thorough and inspiring post. X

    • avatar

      Oh wow Rozanne that’s awesome, best of luck to you! I had no idea you were setting up this new business. Where can we find you and will you do it remotely?
      Yep, I agree renting is the perfect way to experiment with different looks. I’m sure the rental market will explode in the UK as it has here.

      • avatar

        Thanks Michelle 🙂 I’ll be doing it locally for now, website under construction but I have set up a Facebook page, Rozanne Swift Colour & Style. Hoping to be ready to start up later this month x

  • avatar
    Lisa the Sequinist

    I am so glad to see the evolution of the clotheing rentals market. It used to be just handbags and occasion dresses, but this is brilliant. And what GREAT brands, actually unique and wearable stuff, rather than the usual rent the runway variety. Wear the Walk in the UK is brilliant, but almost too avant garde for a lot of people. I love everything you are wearing here. SOOOO jealous that you can RENT TIBI!!! You look amazeballs in these photos, your hair is divine. Love you boo xx

    • avatar

      Thanks Sparkles! I’m amazed at the number of interesting designer labels on offer for such a reasonably priced subscription. Rozanne is right, most of us lose track of our spending when it’s bits n bobs and we have no fixed budget so this is definitely better value. Big kiss boo xx

  • avatar

    Brilliant post as always MT. As Lisa said, it’s nice to have “normal” clothing rather than just handbags and gladrags. up for rent. You look fab in all of them. And yes, let’s hope there’s no greenwashing on the back of this xxx

  • avatar

    I love how this post highlights the shift toward renting and swapping fashion as a way to build a trend-proof, sustainable wardrobe. It’s such a smart approach to avoiding the constant cycle of fast fashion while still enjoying fresh looks. The flexibility of clothing subscriptions is a game changer! Visit :

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