Look at you America, just look at you all dressed up in glorious democracy. Congratulations to everyone who voted blue for humanity and our planet, I am forever grateful to each and every single person. There is no doubt that White people owe a huge debt to Black, Brown, Indigenous, Latinx and Asian people across the country who came out in overwhelming numbers to save us all from Trump. None more so than the awesome WOMXN OF COLOUR.
However, it is with immense sadness and disgust that I must acknowledge the 71+ million mostly White people, who firmly showed us who they really are. This is something I’d like to address further but today my focus is on the positive power of fashion in politics.
The moment Kamala Harris was picked to be Joe Biden’s running mate women across the country had her back. We knew she’d become a target for misogyny and micro aggression related to her appearance. Women politicians in the media spotlight are subject to cruel jabs about their outfits, make up and hair styles. All of which have absolutely nothing to do with their politics of course, but this is how it’s always been so we were ready. Activists, celebrities and womxns groups like Time’s Up announced a zero tolerance for sexist and racist comments. Looking back now it’s notable that I didn’t once hear this rhetoric in the media. Well at least not in the news media I watch and read, it may have crept into right wing news coverage. Naturally there were some trolls on social media but for every nasty comment, dozens more of us rained down in defence of Harris.
On Saturday night Kamala Harris walked onto the stage for her speech wearing a spectacular white suit and silk pussybow blouse. In contrast to the aforementioned, this is exactly the situation to comment on her fashion. Before she said a word, I felt the world gasp in unison. That sartorial decision was epic and there’s no doubt it had the desired effect. This outfit by American designer Wes Gordon for Caroline Herrera is symbolic for womxn across the globe and certainly added optics to Harris’ speech. And WOW what a speech it was, let me tell you the tears flowed freely in my house. (you can watch it again here)
Of course Harris rocking all white was intentional. Women wearing all white is always significant. White was also the choice of the suffragette movement to symbolize power to non-violence. In 1968 Shirley Chisholm wore white as she became the first African American woman elected to Congress. Geraldine Ferraro wore all-white to accept the role of Walter Mondale’s running mate in his 1984 presidential campaign. Hillary Clinton wore a white suit to accept the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. More recently womxn in office have worn all white to punctuate their protest against President Trumps anti womxn policies – at his address to congress in 2017 and his State of the Union address last February. Who can forget the condescending applause from Nancy Pelosi to President Trump and what was Speaker Pelosi wearing? A white suit, naturally.
As for the salaciously named pussybow, could it be a chic middle finger to Trump himself? Perhaps. I don’t profess to know Harris’ heart but I suspect she has a wicked sense of humour. She certainly had some wicked facial expressions during her debate against Pence.

On the huge screens that towered either side of Harris there was a single sentence of just five words. One word in particular, has been in short supply for a very long time – EMPATHY. Harris punctuated her speech with the outfit she chose. Just as our fashion choices can be weaponized against us, so too can they amplify our voices.
I’ll leave you with these moving words from Vice President Elect Kamala Harris…
“… So, I’m thinking about her and about the generations of women — Black Women.
Asian, White, Latina, and Native American women throughout our nation’s history who have paved the way for this moment tonight.
Women who fought and sacrificed so much for equality, liberty, and justice for all, including the Black women, who are too often overlooked, but so often prove that they are the backbone of our democracy.
All the women who worked to secure and protect the right to vote for over a century: 100 years ago with the 19th Amendment, 55 years ago with the Voting Rights Act, and now, in 2020, with a new generation of women in our country who cast their ballots and continued the fight for their fundamental right to vote and be heard.
Tonight, I reflect on their struggle, their determination and the strength of their vision — to see what can be unburdened by what has been — I stand on their shoulders.”
*Main photo credit – Angela Weiss
Comments ( 4 )
Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb
Oh MT, so much to say, too little time… what a week to remember, and I’m not even in the US! I cannot tell you how good it feels to know that she and Joe will be taking over. This was a great read as there were quite a few fascinating facts that I didn’t know… I knew that Kamala wearing white was significant, but the pussy bow blouse? I REALLY hope that was intentional!!!!!!! 😉
A woman becoming president or VP is amazing. But a woman of colour becoming VP is absolutely incredible and I’m so excited about the future for the whole damn planet, not just for the US #woop
I couldn’t be happier for you and everyone living in the US right now. What with a vaccine being announced just a couple of days later, things might *just* be looking up for 2020. Thank you for this uplifting post…!
C x
Thanks mate…It’s really bloody brilliant isn’t it? Hope and empathy have been sorely missed in the White House.
Thank you for this!
I hope it was useful x