Is it ok to wear a mini skirt after 40? Excuse me?….Obviously this is a rhetorical question I’m asking because clearly I can wear whatever I like, I mean I am a grown up after all!
It wouldn’t occur to me to consider what anyone else thinks when I’m deciding what to wear. If I’m honest I was quite shocked to read the ridiculous article uncovered by Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb Blog on her facebook page. A laughable list of things women over 30 (yep that’s no typo – 30!) should NOT wear. Catherine then came up with the fun #iwillwearwhatilike link up where women don the various items on that list in protest & post the picture on Instagram or Not Dressed As Lamb Blog.
The only reason I used this question as my title for today’s post is because I now realize many women people actually don’t think it is ok to wear a mini skirt after 40 & I want to prove how wrong they are.
You need only follow 2 basic rules to make the mini skirt work for you. 1. Wear flat or low heel shoes such as knee-high boots as I’m wearing or ballerinas or brogues, you get the gist. 2. Choose an A-line skirt or even a full skirt or pleated skirt & steer well clear of tight-fitting & stretch minis.
It’s that simple,truly. If you feel the mini skirt isn’t right for your body shape, well that’s entirely up to you but don’t think it can’t be done, it’s just a matter of finding the right top to balance your shape. Personally I think winter is a terrific time of year to try it out because nothing looks hotter than a mini with knee-high or better still, over the knee suede boots, wool tights & a chunky over-sized jumper. And ladies, you do not have to be a skinny mini to wear the mini this way – trust me, try it.
Check out my FASHION pinterest board for some examples of this outfit style I’ve recently added. I’ll be pinning more as I find them so do please follow me for some inspiration on how you can re-create the look to suit you.
I’d owned this See by Chloe button through denim skirt for many years, the hem originally ended just below the knee but I’d grown tired of it & hadn’t worn it for a while. Then a couple of years ago I decided it needed a re-vamp so I had my clever tailor Sadie shorten it to a mini skirt. Then lo & behold a year later Alexa Chung popped up wearing her almost identical collaboration with AG Jeans – I KNOW!

This lovely Trench shaped wool coat from Reiss is very old too, I spotted a woman wearing it & had to ask her where it was from. She wasn’t the least bothered that a perfect stranger accosted her in the street & was more than happy to tell she’d bought it from Reiss but she thought it’d probably sold out. Us girls really unite over a fashion dilemma don’t we Hahaha?
Anyway you know I’m relentless when I’ve fallen hard for something so I made the calls to all the stores, finally located one & made it mine. It was a smart buy, I’ve worn it to death but it remains in as new condition. No pilling at all on the outside & the lining is still in tact & looking sharp. The Autumnal browns are particularly timely now but these colours never really go out of fashion do they?
My unusual ruffle sleeved knit is from Warm Pixie. Unfortunately they don’t do them any more, shame as it’s a bit of a conversation piece. The girly sleeves crossed with an Indie inspired skull make it an edgy addition to any outfit plus with Halloween fast approaching it’s a bit of fun too!
These boots were in the window of a little Italian boutique I once walked past in Milan. You know when you just know? Well I bought them on the spot & that was that. Quite unlike me to impulse buy actually I usually agonise over every purchase sometimes to the point of missing out on said item altogether. However these have the perfect shaped heel for me & my comfort value plus I rarely find knee-high boots narrow enough for my skinny calves so it was a no brainer. They’re pretty 1970’s retro wouldn’t you agree? I’ve had so much wear out of them they’ve been re-soled twice! I keep the suede looking good by using a wire suede brush on them now & then.
Do you wear mini skirts? What I really want to know is whether you consider what other people will think when you’re deciding what to wear? Has anyone criticized your outfit choice lately? See ya, Mx
Comments ( 19 )
With sexy legs like that? YES!! The 70s style skirt and the suede boots are fabulous and you look amazing in this look!! It was such a pleasure to meet you this weekend 🙂 hugs xxx Beata
Thanks Beata that’s a huge compliment coming from such an elegant woman as yourself! Yes I had a terrific time meeting you too, look forward to the next one xxx
Hi, I’ve recently posted several new outfits and the mini.skirt features highly. I’m.currently wearing with a chunky jumper, a big bag to out, super, super denier tights and biker boots.I’m 44 xx
You’ve got it all sorted for sure! Love your blog by the way – will keep following x
Thank you so much , that’s always lovely to hear. Yes please pop back soon, Tracey xx
The Stylopedia
I adore miniskirts… I always have, and I’ll wear them for as long as I can, even if I have to pair them with tights for winter! After your post, I’m thinking I need a denim one… xx
I can see you in a denim one this winter Lisa! xxx
I LOVE your sweater! I’m not usually a fan of sculls & cross bones, but the ruffle sleeves takes this top to a whole new level. And sure .. if you feel confident in a mini then ~ rock it !
It is funky with an edge isn’t it? By the way I had a squiz at your blog – it’s very cool! I couldn’t help noticing your sexy denim pencil skirt lady. x
Oh Michelle, I’m sooooooo glad that you really do wear what you like, we’d be deprived of this fabulous mini skirted outfit if you didn’t!!!! Thank you so much for the shout out – you’ve said everything I was thinking, you’re absolutely spot-on with your observations. If I had your legs I’d be in minis all the time – it wouldn’t even occur to me to think about whether I should wear them on account of my age.
The only question is “do you feel comfortable wearing X item of clothing” – if it’s a yes, then that’s all that counts!
Awesome jacket BTW – I love the fact that you went to such great lengths to track it down! You’re a girl after my own heart 😉
Catherine x
Yes we’re very lucky in many ways, to be born in our generation. I think being able to wear what we like has a direct link to the more “serious” struggles women before us had to fight.
I’m a bit of a nutter when I fall for an item of clothing or bag or pair of shoes or…..;-)
Thank you so much for your support Catherine, it means a lot xxx
Hi Michelle,
I linked to this page after your double denim post. I like a lot your ways of pairing clothes. I also love to hear if you have any tips to stay in such a good shape, if you think that’s something you want to write about. To be honest, clothes look better when we have the right proportion (of course, all shapes and sizes have the right to be pretty). Well well well, I’m still struggling to get back my pre-pregnancy shape (LO is 3). Recently after I discovered your group of friends and their blogs I got a lot of inspiration, and am starting a blog too. It’s more for therapeutic purpose: to reduce my stress raising young children. 🙂
Just a note on the ridicule article about what 30yo + women shouldn’t wear. When I checked on the article it seems to me some of kind of the spams, which the only purpose is to up their pageviews, attracting traffic by provoking people (view the number of the advertising on the page). I think the best way is to IGNORE them. (I didn’t read through all the comments on Catherine’s Facebook, maybe someone already figured it out.)
Will check back here for more. 🙂
Getting back our mojo after having a baby is probably one of the most common “issues” women have so I do understand completely. I think it’s important to eat healthy food & never ever eat take aways. Fast food or junk food is evil personified & I try to never touch the stuff. It’s full of salt & fat & devoid of any nutritional value.
If I’m too busy to eat I’ll make a healthy sandwich or eat fruit, however there is no substitute for steamed veg. I can’t stress enough how important it is to eat clean & if that sounds boring grate some parmesan cheese onto a plate of mixed veg with a squeeze of lemon & that is heaven!
Everyone has their own ideal weight & shape, be true to yours & you’ll be happy. Being 48 I’ve passed the point of trying to look like anybody else, I’m now happy with how I look, I know my body & I know what makes me feel good.
I hope this helps xxx
Thank you so much for the advices!
You’re most welcome, I hope it helped xxx
Very cool.. I love how you paired it with the boots and the jacket…
Thanks Becky! xxx
Woww…that’s a lovely one….!