

Have you heard of the colour millennial pink? It’s really just icecream pink that somehow has been given over to the millennial due to their current crazy obsession with it. Obviously this powdery pastel has been around far longer than the eponym generation, so let’s give it the grown-up Generation X treatment.

As mentioned in this post I too have fallen madly in love with all shades of pink, in fact lately I’ve worn little else! So how many other ways can we style pink besides just the cupcake cutie pie look? I thought it’d be interesting to put an outfit together that shows how sophisticated pink can actually be. The Work Wife & I have slightly different tastes which gives you at least two variations on this theme. Although, I have a feeling you’ll be seeing me in more pink before too long. Pinkie McPinkerson aint goin’ nowhere any time soon….

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It’s actually quite simple to create an elegantly chic outfit from anything if you stick to neutrals. Therefore when choosing what to pair with pink simply try mixing your neutral shades. Today Lisa & I are wearing the two neutrals of tan (or camel) & leopard. Yes leopard IS a neutral! We opted for different items from our wardrobes to avoid looking like a couple of old twinnies as well as show how to vary the styling.

In any case the main aim here is to keep it clean & not try too hard. Hence why we decided against adding jewellery of any kind – apart from Madam Chanel of course, which in my mind IS jewellery. The great thing about styling only neutral hues is that they always marry so well together. Although I probably wouldn’t commit to more than three at one time, mind you I am “wearing” my Chanel bag which is clearly black. O.K then four, tops…






Max Factor invited me to an intimate event where make-up artist Caroline Barnes held a make-up masterclass. We were treated to our very own vanity table complete with an enormous array of MF make-up to play with & keep! You may have seen it on my Instagram Stories?

I really appreciate that Caroline is not pushing products, she’s all about enhancing our natural beauty. What impressed me the most (apart from her incredible career) is that she & I share the same philosophy on make-up. Caroline explained that although sculpting has it’s place we don’t need to go over-board like many younger women today. Instead women over forty such as herself, prefer a little highlight & shading but that’s about all. Then she went on to demonstrate this technique on herself for the rest of us to follow along.

As a professional make-up artist, I wasn’t particularly interested in the class however I was curious about the change of tac by Max Factor & super keen to hear more. Turns out “The make-up of Make-up Artists” tag has finally been banished to the bin. The recent take-over by Coty has re-focused on real women of our generation. HooBloodyRah! It’s about time right? I’ll pop the campaign video in the foot of this post for you to watch.

No more 20 year old models selling us an unattainable dream of dewy youth. Nope, clever Coty have done due diligence & are giving us what we actually want. I know, shocker! So from now on Max Factor campaigns are all about us, how we live, work & play. Wearing as much or as little make-up as we choose but mostly to highlight our features & disguise our little flaws in a natural & infinitely wearable way.

Although there’s no doubt this is way past due, I’m incredibly pleased none the less. I look forward to seeing more brands appreciate their true customer & advertise with respect. After all we’re not invisible or redundant, far from it. We’re desirable, smart & sexy. And let’s face it, we have all the money…







Lisa is away at the moment but you’ll be able to get all her outfit details & read her story on The Sequinist soon.

Bye for now loves xx

*NB – Before attending this event I checked that a) MF are no longer testing on animals, scroll down to FAQ in this link b) Adher to the California transperancy in supply chains act & UK modern slavery act.

  • Comments ( 30 )

  • avatar
    Petite Teacher

    Pretty in pink, both of you. I love all the photos in this blogpost and I think I even liked your insta tekst about the importance of women’s friendship with one of these photos even more…Thanks for sharing both sweet photos and sweet words with us. Love, Lieske

    • avatar

      Aw thaks Lieske, that means a lot to me xxx

  • avatar
    Lazy Daisy Jones

    Love these pics and so funny reminds me of when I was I teenager with my bestie.. Dressing the same but differently!
    Making me smile today….cheers x

    • avatar

      IKR? It’s so much fun we’re doing it again! xx

  • avatar
    Catherine, Not Dressed As Lamb

    Good LORD what is it with you two?!!!!! You’re ridiculously chic and impossibly stylish. This should NOT be allowed. I mean, come ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    =she weeps silently at how utterly gorgeous her friends are=

    C x

    • avatar

      You crack me up C! Love ya babe xx

  • avatar

    I love how you two coordinated your outfits and had them relate to each other. Perfectly styled – BOTH of you!

    • avatar

      Thank you Miss Jamie xx

  • avatar
    Susan B.

    You both look fabulous! I love pink and wear it most as an accent: shoes, bag, scarf.

    • avatar

      Ah that’s how it started for me too Susan. Now I’m properly addicted! 😉

  • avatar
    Fatima Truscott

    Oh gawd! I think THESE are my favourite set of pictures of you! That skirt is incredible. So beautiful styled ladies FT XXX

    • avatar

      Thanks FT! I was so pleased with the Net a Porter bargain, they really do have great sales. I don’t know why anyone would shop non sale time 😉 Have you seen JCrew’s high end version of this skirt? OMG it’s bloody incredible!

  • avatar
    No Fear of Fashion

    Oh how nice, I want to copy it immediately. At first I thought “a wide wide skirt with ruffles? No thank you”.
    Then I saw you and fell in love with your outfit. So smart to add those shoes, belt and bag. It just works beautifully. And Lisa looks equally good, but didn’t take off her coat so her outfit is less easy to assess. Both wearing your Chanel bags is such a nice detail. Still am amazed over yourbare legs.
    The photos are just perfect. This is the quality I am longing for. Who took them?

    • avatar

      It’s that Mr Sequinist Greetje. I told him he missed his calling, isn’t he amazing? The trouble is my photos look so ordinary now ;-(

  • avatar

    Hooray indeed! I feel like so many young girls are doing make up like they’re going to shoot a commercial, they are beautiful yes, but they’ve plastered like 10 leyars on their face and this inevitably will bite in the ass sooner or later.

    As for the outfits, you both are rocking these neutrals. My favorite pieces are the awesome full skirt you have and Lisa’s gorgeous feminine shoes ! You two are rocking the netural boat so well! <3

    • avatar

      I just can’t take to all that mask-like make up at all. I actually feel it takes away from their natural beauty but if it’s how they like it then who am I to judge? We all ebb & flow our styles as we grow. It’s fun to experiment as you are well famous for yourself Miss Keit 😉 xxx

  • avatar
    Lisa the sequinist

    We need lots more days like this before you run away and leave me! xxx

    • avatar

      Let’s hope the weather holds for our next shoot xxx

  • avatar

    Oh Michelle, I read this post last week and didn’t manage to comment. I love everything about it. You bith look fiercely chic and I love how these photos have captured your genuine closeness. Both outfits are sty;ish, feminine and soft but with each of your names written all over them. A beautiful, stunning post in every way my darling xxx

    • avatar

      Thank you my darling friend. Perhaps one day you & Ian will visit me in America & he can shoot us in NYC? xx

  • avatar
    Ashley Hutchinson

    These outfits are SMASHING! Love the compliment of prints and those gorgeous Chanel bags — fabulous, fabulous, fabulous!


    Ashley || Sed Bona

    • avatar

      Thank you so much Ashley, that’s much appreciated xx

  • avatar

    Grease Lighting, it’s the Pink Ladies!!

    • avatar

      IKR? Hahahahaha!

  • avatar

    Great photos and colour combination! I love leopard print – it goes with so much. Hope you still manage to see lots of each other in the future after your big move.

    PS – A closer inspection of these photos reveal that:

    1. Lisa and I have exactly the same sunglasses. They’re fab!!

    2. I need to train my other half in taking outfit shots. I have high hopes in that man!

    • avatar

      Thanks Emerald that’s so kind of you! If it’s any consolation my Husband is absolutely rubbish at taking photos 🙁 I think Lisa is incredibly lucky xx

  • avatar
    Rhiannon Duffin

    I want to be a ‘Pink Lady’ this really is one of my all time favourite posts! Nicely curated ladies xoxo

    • avatar

      We should do a group post of Pinkies! 😉

  • avatar
    Emma Peach

    Amazing skirt Michelle! I love the mix of pink and neutrals. You both look stunning. Hope all goes well with the big move!

    Emma xxx

    • avatar

      Hi Emma! Thanks so much lovely. The move has been full on, to say the lease. I really need to get back to work now that the kids have finally started school. Hope all is well with you xx

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